Merong forever!

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Day 4: Made to Last Forever

I remember the nights when I (the eldest) and my younger brother (the second) talked about esoteric topics well into the wee hours of the next morning. One of the topics was about eternity. We would stop only when our young minds were already aching.

I remember that nothing brilliant or original came out of those ads nauseum explorations except the feeling that we knew so little about the "beyond" things. The passage of the years has not changed that realization. Not a bit.

Indeed, I understand now "No mere man has ever seen, heard or ever imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord" (1 Corinthians 2:9).

The Question to Consider at the end of the chapter therefore re-focuses my mind to channel my energies and my life purpose to things that will bear on eternity. Here and now is a limit we place on ourselves. But God loves us so much to cage us on such a constricted existence. He wants us to live and enjoy with Him forever. It is an offer we can only be so dumb not to consider. 

As they say in the Philippines: Merong forever! 

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