Chapter 14: Nightmare

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Authors Note: Slight Lemon warning!

"You're leaving so soon, but you just got here?" You spoke, you and Sportacus were on the ground, Ipro was starting to climb up the ladder. He stopped to looked down at the both of you.

"Theres trouble up north, I must go." you nodded only understanding.

"Do you need any help?" he shook his head.

"You don't need to worry, we are heros, Sportacus. Your mission is to make sure your mate is okay. I'll sent you a letter if I do. I'll be back before she gives birth, any problems I'm only a letter away." with that you and Sportacus waved goodbye. Seeing his airship as he reached the top, he started leaving Lazytown. You looked at Sportacus, taking his hand, he smiled down at you.

"Come, I'm feeling a little needy~" you trailed your hand to his crotched, Sportacus growled a little.

"I'll try to be gentle."

Slight Lemon Starts!!!!

"Don't~" you reached up and lick the shell of his ear, this caused Sportacus to pick you help and rushed to your house. Before you knew it, you were on the bed and both of your clothing disappear and you felt in utter bliss. Hearing him growl against your ear, he pushed himself in and started thrusting hard and fast. You screamed in pleasure, just being with him, you moaned his name over and over. Sportacus went rough, yet not too much to hurt the baby that was inside of you. Widening your legs, jut enough to look at you, he went faster, hitting the spot making you came. He wasn't finished, his back arched and you couldn't get enough of him, pounding away inside of you, you heard him growl once more. 

"Sportacus! AH!"

"So tight! Mine!" he was so lost in pleasure that he came deep inside of you, panting as he was you came alerting him, he leaned down and kissed you, sloppy as it was, you didn't care. 

End of Slight Lemon!!!


It didn't hurt, it was more interesting to you. Sportacus was the first to get out of bed, his crystal was beeping, he had to hurry and save someone. Though, he looked over at your sleeping form. He will be back, getting his sports outfit on, he left, before kissing your head. Deep inside your mind went elsewhere. Your dream was always the same, picturing back up at north, his family cottage on a nice spring day, little Ithro there, you didn't know what he would look like, but he was smiling. Yet this time was different, the sky was dark, almost scary looking. Everything started disappearing, you looked over and he was gone and so was Sportacus. You got up from your spot, scared and frighten you were, what was happening. Than out of nowhere, a voice broke out, a figure appearing in front of you, these shadowy hand, lifted your chin, you froze in your spot, before seeing light green. Your eyes widen,

"My, such a wonderful dream you must be having. I'm certainly impressed." You tried to speak, but words weren't coming out, he chuckled. "Ah, already forgot about me, maybe this will remind you." a face appeared as the form began to show. He attached his lips against yours, your mind kept fighting against you, sadly he was stronger than you. This wasn't real, you kept repeating yourself, before you knew it, he grabbed your waist, biting your lip, it felt real and you were screaming inside. Why weren't you waking up? He slowly broke, he looked more darker, his eyes weren't the same, light wasn't there. You were finally able to move, lips quivering, tremble in your spot, you were finally able to speak,

" do you want from me. Asgeir...?" He only chuckled more and more. He leaned in close, his face inches from your lips, before he moved his hand trailing his finger from the chin, down to your stomach. You whimpered. "No-"

"That brat shouldn't exist! But don't worry, for you see this is only a dream. We will meet in due time. And if you tell Sportacus about this, Well..let's just say bad things will happened." he pressed his lips against yours, it was sick and you pushed him away.

"If you hate me so much, why this?"

"It's fun, a little human like yourself, I can see why he admires you, his mate. Ha! I wonder what it would be like, to fuck you senseless." he let his magic out, you felt trapped, you felt your hands being tied, you couldn't move. You wanted to scream, you wanted to wake up, be in Sportacus arms. He trailed his hand around your waist, lifting the shirt a bit. "So soft, all humans are, so tasty~" he tore it off as he attached his lips against the skin. You finally broke a scream. "In due time, I will make you mine, my little slave. I will take everything that is his. Remember.." he placed his finger to his lips, in a shushing motion. "Don't kiss and tell~"


Shaking uncontrollably you woke up, in sweat and you started crying. Everything felt real, you placed your hand on your stomach, the baby kicked. It calmed you down a bit. He was going to find you, Asgeir had plans. You didn't know when or what, he could be anywhere. Before you knew it, the door opened, looking up a flash came and you were being hugged. You knew it was him, Sportacus held you.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" you nodded, it was a lie, but he didn't seem to noticed.

"It was just a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?" you couldn't even if you wanted to. You had to protect your child, better yet..him.

"I'll be okay." you kissed him, letting you know, everything was fine. "Besides, mommy can use another round~"

"You sure you're alright?" before you could even answer him, you unzipped his zipper.

"I want you."


"You're being a good girl ________." eyeing you with his crystal ball. He saw you were following his rules, good. "Soon his happily ever after will be cancel."

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