Chapter 10: Number 8

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You were told to wait here at the park, crossing your legs over the other, while you crossed your arms, you were wearing the outfit. It was the third day and you wondered if he was bringing him to you. It was only suppose to be 10 minutes, maybe something happened.

"Excuse me, but are you _________?" turning your head back and stand up, facing him was the one and only Number 8, apparently he doesn't look any different from the portrait you saw back in Iceland. He's played with his goatee, before you walked up to him. He began to eye you, he noticed that you were wearing a crystal around your neck. He knew it all too well,

"Indeed, you must be Number 8." you spoke,

"Call me Ipro, short for Iprottaalfurinn. Its very nice to meet you." yet you can tell something was off about him. You were getting worried, but you didn't let it show. Ipro just looked at you, waiting.

"It seems Sportacus wants to spend some time together. Since he really isn't here."

"I suppose, walk with me." with that you did. Walking side by side with the elf himself, he wasn't cold, but he was curious about you. Down the path they went out of the park, he began to speak. "My grandson was right, you are beautiful. Tell me about yourself, how did you meet him?" you breath in and out a little, before looking at him.

"Lets just say, when we met I was stuck in a hole." He only chuckle, causing you to widen your eyes a little. "After that he wanted to talk and know me better, we just click." he found this amusing.

"So how did the high council know of you?" you stopped, he too began to stop and looked at you.

"Sportacus almost got killed, trying to save me..from my past." you bit your lip, you hated that memory. "We headed back to Iceland, the healing pond cured him and well, someone must of saw us. They were pretty upset."

"It's not common to see a human and an elf together." he spoke, you only nodded at him.

"Sportacus told the truth to the high council, saying he did fall in love with me, but we never..mated. The high council than order another elf to wipe my memories away, but I explain to him that I rather lose my memories in order to save him." He only curled his lip, he reached his hand out to you, placing it on your shoulder.

"Now I see why he found you interesting." you only stared at him, before he moved his hand away, playing with his goatee once more. "A human risking their own life for an elf is an act of true sacrifice and love. Normally humans tend to abuse that relationship with our kind. You my dear girl are the first of many that tried, yet you never failed." you didn't know if you should be happy or worried.

"I would do it again, if it means he would be safe. A world without me is better than a world without him." it was the truth, you just hope that he believe you.

"Everyone has a part to play in this world we live in. You my dear just made one elf, my only grandson a happy one. I, thank you for that." he pulled you into a hug, you returned it, hugging you close, he began to mutter something under his breath. He pulled away from you, whispering.

"/I cant..believe it./"

"About what?" you spoke, his eyes widen as he began to say something,

"You know what I said?" he was shock to believe this.

"/Yes, I am a fast learner. It makes him feel happy that he can use it without using so much english./" Ipro began to chuckle once more.

"/You're a keeper, welcome to the family./" he hugged you once more, before putting a smile on your face.


"Sportacus, there you are my boy." Up on his airship you were, Sportacus flipped over giving him a hug. You smiled softly, before sitting down on the bed. You watched as the two of them, began to talk. It was nice to know that his grandfather liked you, which was a good sign. You can definitely see a resemblance, you noticed they began to laugh, before walking over to you. Ipro sat on the chair, while Sportacus sat next to you. "Tell me if I am right or I'm just losing my sense of smell. If she?" he asked. You looked over at Sportacus, before he spoke. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder,

"Indeed, she is, it's only been a week to say the least."

"I never thought I would see the day where I would meet my future great grandchildren." he only chuckled to him, Sportacus smiled once more. "Thank you for at least giving me the opportunity to be grandfather again" he was so proud of Sportacus for finally settling down and finding a nice girl. You felt honor to hear such words from the once hero. "I see great things from you two, I sense more, but than again at my age. I don't know anymore." he spoke once more.

"How long would you be staying?" you asked. Ipro only crossed his arms,

"Only a few days than I have to return back to Iceland, but I will come back and visit to see hows she's doing. I know you have a lot on your plate, with being the hero of this town. I know I've been there, but you also got to remember, Sportacus." he was paying attention. "This is new, no pressure." Sportacus knew what he was talking about and he would listen to his advice. Before Sportacus could say anything, his crystal started beeping.

"Someones in trouble!" he kisses your head, before yelling door. Jumping out as the door began to close once more. Ipro looked at you.

"Does he always do that?" he asked. You nodded.

"That's why I love him." Ipro began to smile at you. 

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