Exoskeleton Vs. Grandma

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I wake up and open my eyes to see Chase on the other side of my capsule. He was rushing round the room with Davenport placing inventions all over the room in pillars. Chase then storms over to the cyber desk and pushes a button that opens the door to my capsule. He then grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me to the lift, I didn't resist til I realised that I wasn't dressed at which point I teleported back over to the cyber desk and hopped in my capsule, while chase still thought that he had held of me. Once he realised he ran back over to me in my capsule and had a very angry face.

"I'm getting dressed." I told him like it was the most obvious thing in the world and he just rolled his eyes. Once I was dressed I smiled at him before teleporting onto the couch upstairs scaring Tasha.

"Must you all ways do that?!" She says annoyed.

"Yep, it's fun." I say cheekily which makes her look at me slightly annoyed. I then teleport over to the kitchen and make myself some cereal from the stuff on the counter and teleport back to the couch. I smirk at Tasha as she looked a bit more annoyed that before.

"What?" I ask before she walked off.

After I ate my cereal I put it back in the kitchen and sat on the couch. As I was doing this Bree walked in.

"What's up Em?" She asked walking into the kitchen.

"Nothin. U?" I ask.

"Not much." She replies.

Chase then walks in and makes himself some cereal and then Adam comes through the front door.

"Where were you?" I asked

"Chasing a bird I presume?"chase mocked and we both glared at him.

"No, I was chasing an ice cream truck!" We all laughed at his stupidity.

Leo then walks down the steps. "Hey Emily?" He says as he jumps on the couch with puppy dog eyes looking at me.

"What do you want?" I dead panned.

"Nothing..." I raise my eyebrows at him and he conceives.

"Fine! Will you please take me to France?" What?!

"Why" Adam asks for me.

"I told my geography teacher that I had been to France and he wants to see pictures, so I need you to take me there!" He explains.

"Why not Bree?" I ask.

"Well, um... she's slower than you." He awkwardly mumbles.

"WHAT?!" She yells as she super speeds over to Leo..

"Well, she is. Sorta." We both look at him like he should run.

"Well, Bree, you have to run all the way to France but Emily can just puff there." He defends.

"I don't puff!" I retort.

"Well then what do you call it?" He asks with a smirk.

"THIS!" I yell as I make a portal below him so that he falls all the way to France.

Me and Bree laugh as we walk off. That is until Tasha and Davenport come into the living room. Davenport has some sort of helmet on and Tasha is just looking at him weird as it pokes her.

"Hey guys, have you seen Leo?" We all look at each other worried.

"Yeah, let me just go get him?" Bree said more like a question before super speeding away and I guess to France since about 10 seconds later she's back with Leo.

"I told you, Emily's quicker." She scowled at him.

Davenport just changed the subject and I teleported back to the couch.

The fourth bionic (Season 1) ~ Lab Rats FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now