Commando App

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We all wake up and get ready for school. (Clothes above)

"Okay, guys, you have been trained for all kinds of missions. But you are about to enter a soul-bruising, confidence-crushing, apocalyptical environment: high school. Adam, Bree, your glitch test results are fairly stable." Great pep talk Davenport. It makes us want to go to school one hundred time more than before.

"Yes! I'm going to school!" Brew perked.

"I'm fairly stable!" Well Adam, you could say that but it's not necessarily true.

"But, Chase and Emily, I am still concerned about your Commando Apps." Davenport says with concern.

"Commando App? Put on some underpants. We're going to school."
Really dude? Use your logic, we don't have a bionic ability where your underpants magically disappear!

"No, see, in the face of an imminent threat, Chase's Commando App kicks in and he becomes a fearless brute I like to call Spike. It's kinda like a fight-or-flight thing, except I took out the flight part, 'cause, useless. And I replaced it with a testosterone level of like a tasmanian devil-wolverine-shark-lion hybrid that's mad." Davenport shakes Chase's shoulders.

"What about Emily?" Leo asks.

"Well, hers is, um... well it's kind of like...?" Davenport stutters.

"Well?" Leo asks again. We all look away from him very awkwardly.

"What don't I know?" He asks worried.

"I don't know because it has only ever kicked in once and I can't remember it and these guys won't tell me what happened!" I glare at them

"So is that bad?" He asks.

"No! Puff. It's not bad!" You need to learn to lie better D.

"Don't worry, Mr. Davenport. I promise that Spike won't rear his ugly head." Chase attempts to reassure Davenport.

"Oh, yeah? You mean like last Christmas when I made the mistake of giving Adam boxing gloves?" Davenport reminds us.

"That was a bad idea!" I told Leo.

"Ugh, I'm still coughing up tinsel." Adam says and I cringe.

"You know, letting Chase go to school, isn't such a good idea. I can't risk Spike coming out." Davenport finalises.The others beg D to let chase go to school and he gives in like he normally does, "Okay. But I better not get a call from the art teacher saying that Spike ripped out her larynx. Actually, she wouldn't be able to say anything, because Spike ripped out her lar– The point is just keep him out of trouble."

"What about me?" I ask fed up.

"You can go to school since yours only came out when you were little!" Davenport sighs.

"Hey, look what I found."Adam starts to punch the air around him until he punched chase right in the stomach, he ran and hid behind me! Wus.

"Look, I'm sorry, but if he's that close to the gloves, it's gonna happen." Adam defends.

--At School--

We walk in and I see Josh. He waves me over to his group of friends, so I walk over and ignore the others.

"Hey Emily! These are my friends; Stephanie, Vicky, Daniel and Max. Guys, this is Emily."

"Hi." I wave at them all.

"Hi." They all say back.

"OMG! I love your locket, where'd you get it?" Stephanie asks.

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