Ch9- Revenge Best Served Cold

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Ch9- Revenge best served Cold

Cassie awoke early to hear Castillo's voice inside her head he was tormenting her she sat their as she glanced across the room at Raphael who was asleep with Meredith. Cassie felt angry and betrayed so she left the room.

Cassie confronted the very nightmare himself Castillo she made sure she was nowhere near the bars for him to grab her.

"Get me out of here" he shouted glaring at her
"You hurt someone important to me your going to suffer like Kato did" Cassie explained Castillo smiled then spoke "Poor little human so naïve I will get out of here and my first victim will be you" he said.

Castillo broke the chains which contained him their was just iron bars separating him from her he coughed up blood "Your best bet is to take that stake their and drive it through my heart go on kill me" he said Cassie turned away from him.

"No you're not my kill ill leave that to Kato or Isaac and a monster like you does not own a heart" Cassie said leaving Castillo on his own Cassie went to go get breakfast from the kitchen she sat down at the table it was too quiet Adrian was now awake now.

"What's on your mind kid I sensed you were angry and upset it's the empathy thing?" he said sitting opposite Cassie at the kitchen counter.

"Can't you turn it off that Empathy thing?" Cassie wondered Adrian shook his head she sighed then began to explain to him what was on her mind.

"I awoke to find Raphael sleeping in the same bed as Meredith there maybe some logical explanation behind it or he could have just cheated on me" she said

Adrian spoke "You deserve someone who will make you happy and not cheat on you after all Tyler and Raphael must be fools to cheat on you your beautiful" he explained brushing a stray bit of hair from out of her eyes.

"You really think that?" she asked
Adrian nodded.

Cassie hugged him he hugged her back "Come on let's go for a walk we can see the local entertainment that this town has to offer" Adrian said Cassie left the others a note to say her and Adrian have gone sight-seeing and it was cool because he's got a daylight ring.

They left for the town centre there were quite a lot of shops Cassie looked in the window of one of the shops at a beautiful red dress. Adrian noticed her looking at it then had an idea he went into the shop and over to the till.

"Why Hello their what can I help you with?" the cashier asked grinning at him he smiled back " I would like the dress in your window" he asked.

Cassie realised Adrian had disappeared she went to try to find him he caught up with her at the fountain and handed her a bag which contained the dress she liked in it.

"Adrian you shouldn't have got me anything when I can't get you anything" she said
Adrian took my face in his hands then spoke "Cassie you do enough just by breathing and being in my life I adore you for it" he said.

Adrian leaned in slowly giving her time to pull away if she didn't want that and kissed her she kissed him back as it got a bit heated Adrian pulled apart.

"What's wrong?" she said
"We should get home" he said taking my hand and pulling Cassie into one of the ally ways and transporting us back to Brooklyn's safe house.

"So did you take in the sights this place is quite beautiful this time of year?" Brooklyn said passing us both something to drink.

Isaac took the glass away from Cassie "Brooklyn no way is my daughter drinking Alcohol until she is 18 or past that" Isaac said.

"Come on its wine and it's not in a public place so legally she can drink here" Brooklyn replied passing the glass back to Cassie who sipped it slowly.

"Oh and Isaac keep Raphael away from my daughter" Brooklyn said
"Father I already told you I had a bad dream and asked Raphael to stay with me he didn't want to because he didn't want to hurt Cassie but he stayed with me and he knows Cassie is annoyed with him" Meredith explained.

Cassie glanced at Raphael who made eye contact with her from across the room "Is this true Raphael?" Cassie asked.

"It's true look I'm sorry for how things have looked today but I love you and only you no other human is going to change that" Raphael said.

"Well that's awkward" Cassie said leaving for her room were she was followed by Dallas the two of them hadn't really interacted since he was awakened but he stood at her bed side and spoke "Raphael has never loved anyone the way he loves you you're the one who silenced the monster deep within him and turned him into a good guy" Dallas commented.

"Dallas it's annoying because today I kissed Adrian this was when I thought Raphael had cheated on me with Meredith I'm so confused right now I can't look at any of them" Cassie said Dallas sat next to her.

"Kato will need you soon Isaac is going to make Castillo pay for his sins" he said as he got up to leave Cassie followed him out into the living room were Kato was sat away from the others Cassie walked over slowly towards him.

"Sit little one" he said
Cassie sat by him he was still struggling with what Castillo had put him through she could tell by the face he kept pulling.

Cassie gently hugged him like he was a small child he allowed her to hold him for a few minutes which surprised the others since they had all tried to comfort Kato but he had pushed them away.

"Thanks Cassie" he replied as he pulled away noticing Castillo in chains being brought in by Isaac and Brooklyn "Don't worry Kato I'm not going to let him hurt you again" Cassie said.

Castillo laughed coldly "You think killing me is all that easy well think again" he said looking at all of us.

Castillo broke the chains and grabbed hold of Meredith who was now in shock Brooklyn and Isaac froze "Now I'm going to walk out of here and no one is going to stop me or I will slit her throat with my teeth do we all understand each other?" he asked.

"How do you even live with yourself?" Blade asked
"The question isn't about how I live with myself after everything I've done its called surviving you should try it some time in the end its humans and hunters vs the supernatural" he said.

"I'll never betray the people I love" Cassie replied
"My sweet little Cassandra I admire you putting others before yourself let's face it if it was you or Meredith and Brooklyn was making that decision he would let you die and if it was between you and Kato Isaac would choose Kato over you" he announced.

"Cassie don't listen to him he is trying to get you to turn on us" Isaac said.
Meredith was going pale now something had to be done "Let her go Castillo now" Brooklyn said getting angry now.

Before Castillo could reply he smelt the sweet substance which was known as blood he turned to look over at Cassie who was now bleeding from her wrist he let go of Meredith and was now advancing on Cassie.

Castillo was about to feed when Isaac got the upper hand on him and tore into him along with the others Kato just stood there and watched Cassie took his hand and spoke "It's all over Kato" she said he nodded and squeezed her hand softly then feed her his blood healing her wound.

"Meredith are you ok?" Brooklyn asked as he placed her on the sofa
"Father I'm fine is Castillo dead?" she asked.

"Castillo is dead now" Isaac said as he made his way over to Kato and Cassie he hugged both of them "Your both squeezing me to death I can't breathe" Cassie said they both laughed at her then let her go.

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