Ch4-Sacred Bond

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Isaac glanced at the table that had been set out for the two of them and noticed the heart-shaped candles around the room and the rose petals on the double bed.

"Wow everything's perfect just like you now let's eat" Isaac said giving Kato a small kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah it was Cassie's idea she said it would be romantic" Kato said.

"I feel bad for the girl she never has much luck with love" Kato commented.

"One day she will find someone who truly loves her and cares for her you will see Kato" Isaac said.

They sat down and ate dinner Isaac used the remote to the cd player and a slow song came on he held out his hand for Kato's "I can't dance" he said.

"Hear let me show you" Isaac said placing Kato's arms on his waist his hands went around his neck as they slowly danced to the music Isaac softly pushed Kato down onto the bed it was what they did they had a play fight to see who was stronger naturally Isaac won pinning Kato down who looked up at him in complete submission.

"Isaac can I stay with you tonight?" Kato asked.

"Sure you can" he said.

The doorbell had gone just as Isaac was about to get heated with Kato "That must be Miss James Cassie's teacher I best go meet her" he said.

Isaac disappeared and re appeared down stairs and answered the door "Mr Blake I'm Cassie's teacher Miss James how is she doing?" she asked.

"Please come in and Cassie has been up all night with this sickness sometimes I blame myself it's hard being a single parent" he said.

"Mr Blake from what I can see you have raised a wonderful young woman she respects you and her older brothers I've heard quite a bit about you all" she said.

"Well technically her older brothers are from a previous marriage so they have a different mother to Cassandra" Isaac said.

Miss James gave him the books and homework for Cassie and was about to leave when it was raining outside "Please stay until the rain has stopped" Isaac said.

"I couldn't intrude like this?" she replied.

"I insist now are you hungry?" he asked.

Miss James nodded Cassie appeared she still looked pale "Thank You for bringing my school stuff over Miss James" Cassie said.

"Just take your time with getting better first then focus on work" she said.

"So where are your brothers?" Miss James asked.

"Guys come meet my teacher Miss James" Cassie said stood in the room now was the others my father came in with something to eat and drink for Miss James as the lads introduced themselves Miss James seemed to take an interest to Daryl.

"You ride motorbikes I think that's impressive" Miss James said as her and Daryl got a bit closer Cassie bit back laughter as she saw Raphael sat on the windowsill making a gagging sound.

The rain had stopped within a few minutes "I best go I'll see you back at school when your better Cassie" Miss James said Cassie nodded and said goodbye to her Daryl gave her a lift home on his motorbike.

"Isaac what about Raphael he wont hurt anyone?" Cassie asked.

Cassie felt Raphael's hands cup her face in his " Lord Isaac please think this through" Kato said looking over at Isaac who gave him a quick glance.

"Cassie I need a few hours to decide" Isaac said leaving the room Kato left after him Cassie sat opposite Raphael to the others she was their by herself.

"Raphael I need you to promise me that you wont hurt anyone in this house if you return?" Cassie said.

Raphael spoke "I promise you no one will get hurt" he said Cassie was snapped out of her conversation with Raphael by Enzo "Cassie whatever he said is a lie he might mean you no harm but he will never forgive Isaac for trapping him down in the basement and leaving him to starve" he explained.

"If Isaac can't make up his mind I'll bring him back myself I've read enough supernatural stories to know how it's done" she said getting to her feet.

Adrian grabbed Cassie's arm "Don't go against Isaac's rules just give him time please" Adrian said
"Okay I'll give him a few hours" Cassie replied sitting in Romeo's lap.

"Would those two just get a room already their giving me a headache with their arguing?" Noah asked looking up at the roof above them was Kato and Isaac's room.

"What are you drawing Noah?" Cassie asked he showed her his notepad he had drawn a picture of her she smiled at him which made him go all shy.

Isaac and Kato had finished arguing with one another "Kato answer me this if you were me and Cassie was your daughter how far would you go to keep her safe?" Isaac asked.

"Isaac I would die for the girl so would the others we don't need extra help but on saying that the Royals think Raphael, Dallas, Isabella and Faith are all dead it would give us an advantage if we did have them back" Kato said.

Isaac placed a few kisses down Kato's neck then grazed him with his fangs hearing Kato say his name sent Isaac crazy he left a mark on Kato tasting his blood. Isaac pulled away as he held Kato in his arms.

"Let's go tell the others our decision" Isaac said.

Kato nodded then spoke "Can you just give me a minute?" he said trying to focus from being bit by Isaac.

"Take all the time you want my love" Isaac said getting up and leaving the room and appearing downstairs.

"I have decided to bring back Raphael and the others they will help us keep Cassandra safe" he said.

Cassie watched as Isaac used his blood to wake up two female vampires they started to stir in their caskets as Isaac brought around Raphael and another vampire.

Raphael was first to awake he sat up in his casket "Everything hurts" he complained.
Cassie got closer to Raphael and spoke placing a hand on his face "Raphael it's going to be ok now your safe" she said.

Raphael looked at her then to his fallen friends who were now starting to wake up "Oh god what's a human doing here?" one of the female vampires asked.

"Faith that's my daughter Cassandra Blake" Isaac said
Faith was now in front of Cassie she sniffed her then spoke "You smell lovely but as promised we wont hurt you" she said.

"Cassandra this is Faith and Isabella and you have already met Raphael and this the annoying Dallas" Isaac said.

As everyone got re acquainted it would soon be morning time for Cassie to return to school for a few days before the holidays she left for bed.

"Raphael what can I do for you?" she asked.

"I just wanted to say how grateful I'm for your help" he said hugging me I hugged him back he held me in his arms for a couple of seconds then his eyes went red "I better go sweet dreams my little princess" he said disappearing into thin air. 

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