Chapter 1

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I was getting ready for school when my mom came by and starting yelling at me for not getting a stupid hundred on a project even though I got a 98 . When she finished my dad came behind her and gave me my good morning punch . 'So much fun ' . When I finally was able to head to school the school bully group stoped me in my tracks .
" why hi Y/N you little freak . "
All I did was just stand there taking it not daring to say to do anything .
"hey did you know the little freak plays the cringest game in the world , Minecraft ."
(Which I don't think it is I think MINCRAFT is god and love ok yea ))
That statement made me make a smart comment which got me get bruised up
" wow grammar much "
Then I got tackled and punched and they found were my father stabbed me last night and dug there finger nails into it causing me to whimper . After that whole fiasco I got to school and went through the little bi**es rumoring about me urg I hate them .
After the long day I walked home , got a few more bruises , got my daily scolding by my mom and my dad then stabs me in the back , literally. I sewn the cut and head into my room then I took out my laptop that my parents did not know I have and started playing Minecraft . I got on my main world called " my get away " and I waited for the world to load . I loaded in my house with my full diamond armed and tools . In this world I have already defeated the Ender dragon and the wither multiple times . Now I just explore on this world because I got I set on infinite so it never ends . I decided to go west today . As I was walking across a plains biome I saw the back of a Steve skin in the background . I was on a private server how was this possible . I texted in the chat box
{who are ? What are you }
As i started to get closer the character ,it turned around allowing you to see that he was white eyes . I have never seen this skin before . Then a message responded in the chat .
{ Hello Y/N .}
My eyes widened and I whisper
" h-how does this guy know my name "
Then a other message pops up
{ wouldn't you like to know }
And that's when I started to freak out . I looked around for someone in my room , window , anywhere then a other message pops up
{ your cute when you scared with you H/C hair flying back and forth }
I logged out and turned of my computer . Freaked out I put my laptop back between the two mattress on my bed . I then laid back on the bed and curled up on the blanket with my heart still beating . ' now my only escape is torturing me ' was my last thought before everything went black and I escaped into sleep .
Herobrine's POV
I watched as this new player I found yesterday freaked out . It was kinda cute with her H/C waving back and forth . she then exited the game , oh bad Y/N . I then try to clime out of the screen but it seems that her laptop was between two mattresses.' Fuck ' I then wait the night intill the morning . Maybe I will get more info tomorrow since it was the weekend .
I must have feel asleep because I woke up to yelling , crying , and punches , I think . I listened closely as I heard a older lady seem to be lecturing someone ,Y/N I think . Then I heard a other whimper as a punch noice was made then to heard foot steps walking out of the room and a door slam close . Then all I heard after that was crying just crying then i felt Y/N game open . When her world loaded I decided to stay where I was to see what would happened and something happened that surprised me . She walked up to me and then typed
{ are you going to hurt me to }
And I saw through the face cam that she had bruises and a black eye on her face .i shook my head in pity for her .
' maybe I won't kill this one"
I heard her say in her thoughts ' this person might me different maybe they'll not be mean to me .'
When I heard this I got curious about what has happened to her .
I chatted with this mystery person then I asked what his name was and he messaged back
{ Herobrine}
I jumped a bit because I have heard of this Herobrine. He was a Creepy pasta that went around killing people in real life and he trolls people .' Is he just trying to gain my trust to hurt me at the end ' While in thought her sent a other message
{ Don't worry I won't hurt you }
My eyes widened ' can he read my thought or somthing '
{ yes I can }
I said cool then I said I was going to sleep . Then he messaged
{ ok have sweet dreams }
And I smiled a bit ' this is the first time someone's been nice to me .
Then I shut down my computer and go to sleep knowing I made my first friend.

I did it I have made a reader x somthing and I'm happy I may be trying to update everyday yea .

Fixing two souls(Herobrine x depressed abused reader)Where stories live. Discover now