20. New girl.

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POV Jaemin.

Wonwoo brought me and Hansol to school, right before lunchbreak. "Hansol you need to protect me." I said in a wary voice.

"Against what?" He was suddenly alerted.

"Counterattack!" I panicked a bit when the bell rung.

It didn't take long before the halls cleared out again. Fast footsteps were heard when I was walking next to Hansol, towards the cafeteria.

"Kang Jaemin!!" Two voices yelled. Luckily there weren't much people in the hall.

Yuminah and Sungjin came storming to me. "Counterattack?" Hansol asked when he saw them.

"Yeah..." I breathed, not wanting to get crushed again.

"I need the right timing." Hansol mumbled to himself. I gave him a confused side glance.

My two best friends were nearing and right before they crashed into me, Hansol moved.

"Perfect timing!" He smiled as the two bumped into his back. He stumbled slightly but I placed my hands on his chest, preventing him from falling.

"Yah! Hansol!" Sungjin yelled.

"Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck while stepping aside. "Be careful with her."

"Yeah Yeah!" Yuminah waved off his comment before hugging me. Sungjin joined as well.

"You guys go ahead, I have to use the bathroom." Yuminah smiled. We nodded and went to the lunchroom.

Seungkwan and Chan were already waiting for us. The three of us sat down and started a random conversation.

It's been fifteen minutes and Yuminah hadn't returned yet. "Guys I'm going to find Yuminah." I informed before leaving.

I made my way to the girls bathroom but before I entered, I heard a really annoying voice.

"What makes you think you can hang out with Seungkwan and Chan eh?!" Haneul's voice invaded my ear drums.

"They probably don't even want to be around a foreigner like you." Another voice spat.

"Like they want to hang with attention seekers like you two." I scoffed, making an entrance.

"Oh, you're back." Haneul rolled her eyes. "Let's go see Hyunmi."

"What was that?" I snapped when the left the bathroom.

"Nothing, it's fine." Yuminah smiled sadly. "Just a little teasing."

"Didn't seem like it to me." I gave her a sharp look. "How long has this been going on?"

"The day you left." She answered timidly.

"Why didn't you tell me or Sungjin unnie?!" I almost yelled.

"Sungjin won't be able to do anything anyway." Yuminah shurgged. "And you'd probably kill them."

"Darn right I will!" I stormed out the bathroom and looked around for the two of them.

"Noona, are you okay?" A concerned yet shy voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay Chan." I assured and then turned to Yuminah. "I won't do anything, for now."

I stomped to my classroom and sat down. I probably sat there for 10 minutes.

"Are you okay?" Hansol came in and sat down next to me. Chan must've told him where I went.

A snap was heard through the room. "I'll take that as a no." Hansol mentioned to the now broken pencil in my hand. "Be careful." He took the two pieces from my hands and threw them away.

"What makes you think that I'm not okay?" I asked, trying to mask the anger in ny voice.

"Well, you have really dry lips, nearly cracked actually. Which you hate and it indicates that you have been pressing them together." He raised his eyebrows. "And the pencil was another hint."

"They're bullying her."

"Huh?" Hansol returned to his seat.

"They started when we left. So I wasn't around to protect her." I clenched my fist.

"Jaemin, it's not your fault." Hansol tried to calm me.

"I should've been here for her." I replied before leaving the classroom. Not that it mattered anyway, we had English now.


In the evening I had volleyball practice. Sungjin told me something about a new girl.

Apparently when I was away, a new setter joined. I hope we'll get along.

"Oh are you okay?" I asked, when a small girl bumped into me.

"Yes, sorry." She bowed.

"Jaemin, this is our second setter, Song Daehyun." Sungjin smiled. "Daehyun, this is our maknae and captain."

"Hello, I'm Jaemin." I stuck my hand out to her.

"T-Tall..." She stared up at me. Well, I'm not that tall compared to the guys.

"Yeah," I chuckled a bit embarassed. "You're quite small."

"She's only 156 cm." Sungjin told me. "But her set ups are great."

"I'll be the one to judge that." I mumbled and we got warmed up.

After we got warm, it was time for the hits. "How would you like your toss, leader?" Daehyun asked.

"Surprise me." I shrugged smugly. I threw it up and she set it tightly. I raised my brow and went up for a quick.

"Woah! You're really good." Daehyun said astonished. I barely made it though.

"She's captain for a reason." Eunji chuckled.


"Papi, I'm home!" I yelled walking into my home. "I need your help."

"With what honey?" My father called from the kitchen.

"Can you train me like a left-handed person?" I asked.

"Really?" My father perked up. "Let's go to the yard, the net is still hanging. You turn on the light while I'll go change."

I grinned to myself and ran out to the back. I turned on the porchlight, lighting up the entire backyard.


Dad turned me into a rookie lefty. He is also two-handed in volleyball and writing. I used to think that was really weird but now it's kind of cool.

"Jade, will you play for me?" Dad came in with a guitar.

I nodded and played the familiar song. We sang all of mom's favorite Spanish, English and Korean songs.

My father always made me forget about all of my worries.

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