19. Videos.

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POV Wonwoo.

After everything was set up. We started to watch a slideshow of all the pictures and videos.

The first picture was of the view from their balcony. The next one of their room and after that one of the mac n cheese.

Suddenly Hansol's voice was heard through the speakers. "Hello everyone, at the moment I'm alone. Because I'm sick and Jaemin had to go to school. But that's okay, I'm just watching a movie-"

He stopped talking and aimed the camera at the door. A pissed off Jaemin walked in. "Awe are you here to take care of me?" Hansol asked,

Jaemin scoffed. "I'm here to watch you suffer." She then walked into the bathroom. The video stopped there and then showed a picture of Jaemin wrapped in the blanket.

She looked very small compared the bed.

Hansol's face popped up after another video started. "Anneong, Jaemin is asleep now because she is a bit sick. So I'm going to cook for us." Hansol placed the camera on the counter and walked away for a second. "Let's hope I don't burn down the hotel."

He reappeared and cooked some ramyeon. Suddenly, arms wrapped around his waist and Jaemin peeked over his shoulder.

"Aigoooo! Jaemin is so cuteeee!" Soonyoung patted her head as she hid her face.

A video of Jaemin infront of a huge door started. She opened the door and gasped. "Hansol... I'm home." She said while spinning around.

On the background was a huge library. My eyes widened, "I want to go there as well." I whined.

"Most of the books are in English." Jaemin chuckled at my silliness.

Next were some pictures of food and Jaemin in a bus.

"Channie!" Jaemin's excited face appeared on the tv screen. "Since it's your birthday soon. Your hyung and I will buy you a gift here."

"We will buy you the best gift ever." Hansol filmed himself.

Chan jumped up and paused the slideshow. "Where's my gift?"

"Don't be greedy." Jeonghan scolded him.

"You have to wait an hour." Vernon shrugged and then Chan pressed play again.

POV Joshua.

Everyone watched silently when an older woman appeared. My mom, my eyes widened. I gasped and crawled towards the tv. Placing my hand next to my mother's face.

"Hey there, son. I just bumped into Jaemin and Hansol. Jade asked me to record something for you. I hope you're doing well, we miss you a lot. Jaemin told me a lot about you. That you have a good job, nice friends and a pretty house. Remember to stay safe and eat well okay? Your father and I love you." My mother blew a kiss to the screen.

A small tear trickled down my cheek. "Thanks guys!" I smiled and hugged Vernon and Jaemin.

We continued to watch the rest. Suddenly Hansol made a shocked sound when Jade's face popped up.

"Hey guys!" She waved at the camera. "It's 12 AM here at the moment and Hansol is asleep. He  has been filming me all the time, so I thought why not do the same."

She walked towards the bed and sat down. The camera was aimed at a sleeping Vernon. "I probably haven't told you guys yet. And I'm sure Vernon forgot as well. But we got gifts for you guys. Other than that, Pogoshipda." She made a finger heart beside Vernon's head and then the video stopped.

"Gifts? Jeongmal?!" Minghao jumped up.

"Jup, but we have to watch the rest." Jaemin chuckled.

Next was a video of the beach. Jaemin was running on the sand. She stopped and covered her face when she noticed that Vernon was filming her.

"Aigooo, Jaemin is so cute!" Vernon cooed. His arms appeared and her squeezed her cheeks.

After that video came another one and then a lot of cute selcas.

"You two are really adorable." Seungcheol shook his head.

"Gifts?" Mingyu asked. Vernon chuckled and grabbed one of the bags.

POV Jaemin.

We handed out their gifts and I gave Wonwoo the book.

"Woahh, thank Jaemin. I've been looking for this one." Wonwoo hugged me.

"Happy birthday!" Jeonghan suddenly yelled as Seungcheol flinched.

Chan smiled as everyone started to sing. "Gomawooooo!!!!!" The maknae yelled.

They started handing him gifts and after a while he was done. "Our turn!" Hansol yelled.

We took out his gift and gave it to him. He tore off the wrapping and gasped. "You got me a signed CD and the DVD of his last tour?!"

"Yeah, this CD is one of the last ones with the original autograph." Hansol smiled.

"Thank you so much!" He pulled us in for a hug.

"Now that is all done. Let's sleep!" Jeonghan said. "Tomorrow is school."

"Hyung do we have to go as well?" Vernon asked.

"Yeah, but the two of you start after lunch break. So you can get used to the Korean time again." Seungcheol informed us.

"Arasseo." We agreed and all retreated to our rooms.

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