Wait What is Happening!?!?!

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Planeptune Basilicom

It was just another day at the Planeptune Basilicom, the CPU's were over playing video games, as well as the Candidates, and members of Gold Third. " Neptune, you should really get something done before Histy gets back. You know how she can be when she sees you and everybody else lazing around," Nepgear said seeming worried. "Oh come on, we've got plenty of time before she comes back," Neptune said without a worry in the world. Uzume then spoke up," Yea Gearsy, she said that she'd be gone for 2 whole days. We've got time to have fun and get some epic battles in,". Nepgear thought it over for a minute, and then decided to let it go. Hopefully there right. ", DAMNIT VERT," Blanc yells as she takes another L to Vert in their game. ", Well if you had spent more time training than getting angry like you always do, maybe you would've had a better chance to actually get me down to half health," Vert said as Blanc charged at her, only for C-Sha to grab her. ," Ok Blanny calm down Vert didn't mean it,". ", Oh I did, if only spent her no hours on gaming and not just trying to increase her chest size, then maybe her chances would've been hire," Vert said in a mocking tone. ", THATS IT," Blanc yells as she breaks free from C-Sha's grip and began charging at Vert again who just kept a smirk on her face. Just before Blanc could wipe it of Vert's face, C-Sha got a hold of her and this time started carrying her away. Everyone saw this and just began laughing. Then all of a sudden, the door bursts open, with Histy floating through, stuttering out of complete fear. ," ROBOTS, GUNS, NATIONS, ATTACK," Histy said. Everyone seemed shocked and confused. ," Histoire take a breath and then explain," S-Sha said. ," Yea, I thought that you weren't coming back in two days," Noire said. After taking a few minutes to pull herself together, Histoire began to speak. ," I am very sorry for my "episode", allow me to explain. There are giant robots attacking each of your nations," Histy explained. Everybody went completely wide-eyed at this. ," Are you sure about that, its been pretty silent all da-," Uni couldn't finish due to an explosion off in the distance. ," Uhh never mind," Uni says in disappointment. ," Giant robots causing a disturbance? We'll deal with them easy, " Uzume says in complete confidence. Just as the others began to depart for their respective nations, Histy spoke up. ," Please everyone please be careful, these do not feel like normal enemies," Histy warned. They nodded there heads and left the Basilicom leaving Neptune, Nepgear, B-Sha, and Histoire to get ready to eliminate there part of the threat.

At the Yaegar House

The sun was setting, Tessa and Shane were in the (rebuilt) barn with Bumblebee. Drift and Hound seemed to have powered down for the moment, and Cade was off staring into the stars. He was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Crosshairs walk up behind him. ," Lookin out for that star to guess where Prime is again are ya," Crosshairs questioned. Cade jumped in surprise, then answered," Yea. Just waiting for that day for him to come back, if he will," Cade said. ," Ehh don't worry, Prime will be back. He always comes back. Besides, it takes a lot to take a Prime down, especially Optimus," Crosshairs said. ," Yea, your right," Cade said smiling. ," Uhh guys, you might want to come and hear this," Shane yelled from the barn. *In the barn* Drift, Hound, Crosshairs, and Cade had entered the barn to hear what apparently was a message that was sent to Bumblebee. ," A message huh? Who and where's it from," Cade asked. Bumblebee began to speak through his radio," Huh, its from space," he said. ," Space," everyone yelled in confusion. ," Who could be sending a message from space," Tessa asked. ," Only two ideas," as Hound spoke up," Either Autobot refugees have been allowed to live here, or there's news from Optimus," Hound said. Everyone nodded there heads in unison as those were the only two ideas that made sense. Then Bumblebee began to play the message," Autobots, this is Optimus Prime. There has been a Decepticon incursion in a place known as Gamindustri. You are to go there and eliminate the Decepticon threat, and stay there until further notice," Messaage ends. Everyone looked confused. ," Gamindustri, never heard of it," Cade said. Bumblebee then transformed and began calculating the route on his GPS. ," Are you serious? That's gonna take almost half a day to get there," Crosshairs complained. ," Yea well there's no use complaining about it," Hound said. ," Hound is right. We have our orders, we must move as fast as possible to eliminate this threat," Drift said.

With that, the Autobots left the Yaegar family, and began there drive for the place known as Gamindustri, and Cade, Tessa , and Shane said there goodbyes and saw them off. ," Do you think we'll see them again," Tessa asked. ," I don't know. Like Drift said, they got there orders," Cade said. ," Yea, it might be years before we see em again," Shane added.

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