"Oh, come on, Ry," Demyx said, laughing. "You know you like this place just as much as the rest of us do."

"Don't be so sure of yourself," she muttered in response.

"So since Vanitas can't handle getting a bad score for his singing," Riku said,"Why don't we just play something more... I don't know, calming?"

"Monopoly!" Sora piped, and you laughed.

"Are you kidding me? Van would probably stab one of us to death with one of the player pieces."

"[Name]'s right," you heard Cloud say. "So what do you guys want to do now? Please suggest something that won't use items that Vanitas could potentially hurt us with."

"Flappy bird!"

"No, Sora!" Was everyone's unanimous reply.

"Paranoia," Vanitas murmured.

"Hell no!" You said, waving a hand in front of your face. "I'm blind, remember?"

"Well then, Princess," Vanitas said, scoffing. "What do you have in mind?"

"... Truth or dare?" You said halfheartedly while smiling softly and shrugging your shoulders. "I don't know! I've never hung out with friends like this before since I was twelve."

"Hey, let's play the camera game!" Kairi suggested.

"But I hate pictures," Ryann whined.

"Plus, [Name] and I are blind," Riku stated. "And we both have it so bad that we can't detect light."

You stiffened. "How did you know that?" You whispered to him since he was sitting right beside you.

"The nurses told me some of the information that was on your file so I could help you better," he whispered back. "For example, I know your bra size is a-"

"So," you said, interrupting Riku so you didn't have to hear him reveal your bra size. "What's the camera game?"

"Think of it as speed dating, but instead of asking questions, you take selfies!" Everyone groaned at Sora's explanation.

"That was horrible, Sora," Roxas chided. "So [Name], basically everyone takes their phone or camera and takes a selfie of themselves when the timer goes off and the flash is activated, and then they pass their phones to the person on their left. The game ends when everyone gets their device back. Got it?"

"I'd love to play, but Riku's right." You sighed, and Riku pat your shoulder. "I wouldn't know when to smile for the camera since my light detection is simply nonexistent."

"We could turn the sound on for one of the cameras or phones so you two can hear the countdown," Kairi offered. "It's a really fun game, so no worries. Afterwards we can take turns describing the pictures to you both."

"You sure?" Riku asked. "We could just play truth or dare like [Name] suggested."

"Oh come on, Ku," Demyx said. "Let's play the camera game, please?"

"Don't I get a-" Vanitas started.

"Nope!" Ryann chimed. "Come on, then. Let's go find some cameras and phones."


Beep, beep, beep

You smiled as you heard the click of the the shutter, then passed the camera to Riku.

"Two more!" Sora called out.

Beep, beep, beep

You stuck your tongue out while scrunching your eyes closed, attempting to make a silly face.

Blind (A Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy Fanfiction) ~Vanitas x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now