Chapter 1.4 - To the City (1)

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A/N: I'm back! Been awhile. I was first struck with writers block when I was trying to write a certain scene. Decided to worry about it when the time came. After that I was hit with 3 tennis tournaments. Had to practice nonstop. And finally enjoyed my vacation during spring break. I know that I've got no good excuse for my absence, but you can't help spilt milk right? Anyways, I'll be trying my best to release the chapters that I wanted to upload over the break. :)

Haru here. I wonder how Sera is doing? She's probably having the time of her life right now. Fighting monsters. Using magic. Finding love...

Wait. That Rein guy...he better not do anything funny. He's the type of dude who only thinks with his lower half. 

"What do you mean we have to walk all the way to the city?!" 

I slammed the makeshift table of twigs and leaves, which broke as a result. 

"Couldn't you use some teleportation magic?"
"Teleportation? That is a concept I cannot imagine."

Wait, if she can imagine it then she'll be able to use it! 

"It's where you go from one place to another!"
"So...just like walking?" 

Facepalm. Just. No. 

"No, even faster than that."
"So running?"

It's hopeless. There's no point with this woman.

"Forget what I said. Let's just head over to the city."

With a few occasional visits to the after life and having Thelas using "Heal" on me, we somehow make it to Fiora, the capital of Rosevaria. 

As expected, it was a boisterous area of commerce. There were carriages coming and going all over the city. At each end of the city were checkpoints, probably to ensure that nothing shady was going on. 

We managed to get into the city with no problem thanks to Thelas. She still had the robe she wore, which had the royal emblem sewed onto it. Even in this world, a form of ID was needed to get into out of of anywhere. 

"Now then Haru, we need to procure some necessities if I'm going to spend the month with you."

I raise my eyebrow at her.

"You seem to think I'm shopping for your sake."
"Well it's expected right? The master feeds his servant?"

Great. A mouth to feed. Maybe this is why a lot of adults in my world don't want any children?

"Well? What should we get? You seem to know everything."
"Supplies for a house and farm would be wise." 
"I'm not starting any farm. I only trust instant ramen." 
"Please stop spouting nonsense and be reasonable."

For a servant, she awfully seems okay with dragging me by the ear. 
I'd rather not start a farm though. I don't want to remember how pitiful I am. 

We stopped by a grocery vendor and bought some supplies for the farm. 
And by we, I mean me. I was the one forced to buy supplies for the farm. 

A bag of corn seeds for 3 silver.
A bag of potato seeds for 4 silver.
A bag of fertilizer for 2 silver.
And a bag of apples for 1 silver. 

Total cost: 10 silver. 

We were also given two eggs and some old farming tools as thanks for spending the most money at their shop. What a nice place. I should visit again once I get the chance. 

Thelas took all the stuff we bought and shoved it into a small pouch. It was a bag imbued with magic, allowing it to hold an entire dimension inside. Why couldn't we have this technology on Earth? 

Next up was the carpenter's guild. It was a rowdy shack where people could place an order for a structure to be built and it would be taken care of by one of its members. 

The carpenters here were more detestable than I imagined however. 

"50 silver. Take it or leave it." 
"But that's much higher than the market price for the house we're asking for!" 

Thelas pointed at the bulletin board lined up with jobs for small homes, each one worth under 40 silver. The douchebag was overcharging us without a care in the world. 

"Thelas, maybe if you show him that thing..."

She seems to have caught my drift, and flaunts the royal emblem sewn into her robe. 
The man smiles. 

"Heh. I change my mind. 60 silver."
"Have you no shame?!"

That bastard raised the price. I'd use firebolt right now if I could. 

"Take it or leave it. Final offer."
"Tch. I'll pay it then."

I give the man his money with a grimace.

"What's your name?"
"It's Dezel."
"I'll remember it, asshole." 

With only 30 silver remaining, we leave the carpenter's guild and make our way back to the entrance. That damn geezer. He could've given me more money if he was truly sorry. 

"Excuse me? Would you be interested at taking a look at my wares?"

It was a small merchant girl who carried all her stock on a large turtle. 
I take a look at her stock, though nothing really caught my eye. 
The book the turtle was carrying in its mouth seemed interesting though.

"Is that for sale?"
"What? Oh! Tomo! Don't eat that!"

The girl hurries in front of the turtle and pull the book out of its mouth. Luckily it hasn't been damaged yet. 

"This is a magic book. Anything written inside could only be seen by the person who wrote it." 
"Is a pen also included?"
"No, but you can also use your finger to write in it as well." 

A book whose contents can only be seen by the person who wrote them? 
Hm...this seems perfect for a diary. 

"I'll buy it." 
"That'll be 1 silver." 

I hand a coin over to the girl with satisfaction. Ever since I came to this world, my phone has been sitting at my apartment. With this book, I can finally make some diary entries again. I book to document my life here. 

It's still a terrible life, but at least I have something new to write everyday. 

"Let's head home Thelas." 

I turn my head. No Thelas in sight.


There was a parchment of paper laying on the floor. 

We have your woman. If you ever want to see her again, bring 100 silver to the abandoned warehouse at the corner of the city. We'll be waiting. 

Eh? Did Thelas just get kidnapped?


Oh well. That's one less mouth to feed.

Before I set off for the trip back home, a painful realization came over me. 


Diary Entry #1:

Walked to Fiora, the capital of Rosevaria. 

Bought some food. Met an asshole named Dezel.

Thelas got kidnapped. I wish I could go home already. 

A/N: What can I say? Being poor makes people selfish. 

Well I'm just about ready to show what a farmer's made of! Onward to the next chapter! 

As always, thanks for reading! 

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