Chapter 2

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Rosie and I made our way to the stage with no emotion on our faces. Zeyna was excited to have volunteers. District 12 hasn't had a volunteer since Aunt Katniss volunteered for our mother.

"What are your names?" Zeyna asked.

"Iris Hawthorn" I said confidently. Hey, we may be small for the average 16 year old, but we are strong and know how to use weapons. We were basically trained for the games, but not.

"Rosie Hawthorn" she said with as much confidence as I had.

"I bet you two are twins!" Zeyna squealed.

We both just scowled and glared at the audience, blocking out the rest of the noise.

Soon we were dragged off to say our goodbyes to our family and friends. The very minute we were alone we began to talk about weapons, and strategies.

"We need bows, and knives." I said simply. She nodded.

"What about an alliance with District 11? They are good at finding healing herbs and edible plants." Rosie said.

"I agree. So, alliances with 11? I say yes to that." I said.

Soon we were interrupted by the mother of the little girl we volunteered for and right next to her was the little girl. I believe her name was Hanna.

Hanna engulfed us in a huge bear hug telling us how thankful she was to have us there.

Her mother stood there and said, "Thank you so much. My little girl is all I have. I am very greatful that you volunteered for her. I mean you don't even know us. Why?" she said

"Simple. We are strong and know how to use a weapon." I stated. Rosie nodded in agreement.

"Were also strong, and we have victors blood in us." Rosie said.

"I thank you. I will be waiting for your return." She said then they both left.

Then the worst part came. Our mother and father came in. My father just cried silently and told us he loved us, and so did our mother. She made us promise to come back to her, and so we did promise.

Soon enough, our uncle Gale came in and told us to get our hands on a bow. We agreed. All to soon, we were swooped out of the room and taken to the train.

All I could think of was, Capitol here comes the Hawthorn girls.

Tell me what you think!!

Dont 4get to 


Fan (possibly)


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