The Story of Last Summer - Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of television and laughing coming from the living room. I went out and found Hazel on the couch with Thomas in their pajamas, watching TV.

'Did you spend the night?' I asked Thomas. He nodded.

'Wow, Klaus and I have been seeing each other for about a week now and we haven't even kissed and you guys have only known each other a few days and you're already spending the night,' I said.

'You and Klaus haven't kissed?' Thomas asked. 'Wow, he must really like you.'

'We've tried kissing,' I said, 'But every time it's about to happen, something interrupts it.'

'Oh yeah,' Thomas said, 'Callum told me he walked in on you guys about to kiss the other night.' I nodded. 'So when are you seeing him?' he asked me.

'Probably tonight,' I said, 'I have to call him.' Before I could call Klaus, my phone rang. It was a really old friend of mine, Jasper.

'Jasper! Hey, how are you?' I answered.

'I'm good! How are you?' he asked.

'I'm really good. What's up?'

'I was just wondering if you were busy today?' he said, 'I thought we could maybe meet up and catch up. I haven't talked to you in ages.'

'Yeah, I'm free in the afternoon I think. We could meet then!'

'Sounds good. See you then,' he said, hanging up.

'Who was that?' Hazel asked.

'That was Jasper,' I said.

'Jasper?!' she asked, 'As in Jasper Kingsley?!'

'Yeah, why?'

'You're meeting up with him?'

'Yeah,' I said, 'Is there something wrong with that?'

'Ella,' Hazel said, 'You know this guy had the biggest crush on you for as long as I can remember.'

'I know,' I said, 'But that was high school. It's been three years. Things have changed.''Just make sure he knows that.'

While waiting for Jasper at a small outdoor café, I decided to call Klaus.

'Hey, Klaus.'

'Ella! What's up?' he replied.

'What are we doing tonight?'

'Why do you assume I'm not busy tonight?' he said.

'What are we doing tonight?' I repeated.

He laughed, 'How about you come around to my place and I'll cook you a really fancy meal. Sound good?'

'That sounds amazing,' I said, 'See you tonight!' Just as I hung up, Jasper showed up. He walked over to me and gave me the biggest hug, squeezing me so tightly, I honestly couldn't breathe for a second.

'Ella!' he said, excitedly, 'It's so good to see you!'

'Likewise, Jasper. How have you been?' I asked him

'I've been good. I've missed you!'

'I've missed you, too,' I said, with a grin.

'I miss that smile.' I laughed, a little uneasy.

After we ordered, he said to me, 'Ella, I really have missed you. A lot.'

'Jas…,' I tried to continue, but he cut me off.

'Just hear me out,' he said, 'There hasn't been a day that's gone by where I haven't thought about you. And everyday I've been meaning to call you, but I was just never brave enough and today I finally did and I've never been happier…' In the middle of what he was saying, I zoned out because I noticed Callum standing on the sidewalk. He noticed me before I noticed him and as I lifted up my hand to wave at him, Jasper grabbed me by my cheeks and planted a kiss on my lips. I pushed him off right away and looked back at Callum, who was rolling his eyes and shaking his head, walking off.

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