The Story of Last Summer - Chapter 1

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New York City had always been my favorite during the summer time. You'd see so many people just strolling down the streets and in the parks. The weather was always so delightful. The nights were especially cozy. One night, the third night of summer, I was walking in the streets. It was my 21st birthday and I was alone just wandering around the city, clueless of where to go. Though, I wasn't really looking for a place to go. I just let the city take me where it thought I should go. I had ended up in an old book store about 8 blocks from my apartment. I said to myself-- why not enjoy a nice, old book on my birthday since there wasn't really anything else to enjoy. The store had that smell of an old house. Not the kind that made you feel like there was dead presence around you. More like the kind that reminded you of your grandma's warm, cozy house during Christmas. Shelves of books towered over me, four floors high. I looked around the store and it was completely empty, and the lights were quite dim. I figured that the shop might be closed as it was nearly 10 at night. I supposed that it was best to leave, so I turned around, but what stopped me was the sound of books being thrown into a box. This made me reconsider whether the store was closed or not. I decided to really find out.

'Hello?' I called out.

'In the back!' a deep, British accent shouted back. 

I walked over to the back expecting an old, grumpy English man, but what appeared before my eyes was completely different. What was standing in front of me was a tall, broad-shouldered, blonde, young man. He was a woman's idealistic-looking man.

'Do you own this place?' I asked.

He shook his head, 'It's my grandfather's.'

'Do you work here?'

'Yeah, during the summer, I like coming here to help him out because I always end up finding really cool stuff,' he said, paying hard attention to a book in his hand. I stood there silently for a minute and looked around the room. He noticed my curiosity, set the book down and got up to shake my hand and say, 'Hi, I'm Klaus.'

I chuckled, 'Wow, Klaus. Is that really your name?'

He laughed, 'Yeah, it comes from Niklaus.'

'That's really cool,' I said, 'I'm Ella.'

'That's a pretty name,' he said, as if it was a fact rather than an opinion.

I smiled, 'Thank you,' I said, 'So is there anything you'd recommend me?'

'Uhhh,' he said, skimming through the shelf he was at. He pulled one out, looked it over and handed it to me. 

'To Kill A Mockingbird' - the front cover read. 'I'll take it,' I said.

'You're not even gonna read the description?' he asked.

'You seem like you know what you're doing. I trust you,' I said, 'And plus, I've heard so much about this book. It must really be something.'

'Alright, then,' he said, smiling.

'Where do I pay for it?' I asked.

'How about this,' he says, 'You don't need to pay for it, if you agree to meet up with me for coffee or something tomorrow.'

I smile, 'If that's going to give me a free book, then alright.'

He brought me over to the counter so that I could write out my number for him. I set my phone on the counter and began to write. My phone buzzed and on the screen a message showed from Hazel reading:

'Ella Ryan, where the hell are you? It's your 21st birthday! You're meant to be out having fun but instead you're no where to be found. Call me!'

'It's your birthday?' Klaus asked me.

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