The Story of Last Summer - Chapter 2

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I woke up, feeling like I was walking on air. All the memories of the story I told last night were coming back. What tore it apart, though, was realizing that they were all just faded memories. Well I guess not exactly faded because I remember every part of it like it was just yesterday. I couldn't wait to continue telling it because it was the closest thing I had to reliving it. Since I was in such a good mood, I got up before Hazel did and decided to make us both some breakfast. Hazel woke up with hair that looked like it had just been sucked in by a vacuum, and then blown back out. Her eyes had the darkest circles under them.

'Hazel,' I said, 'How much did you have to drink last night?'

'Don't talk so loud,' she said.

'Hazel, I'm nearly whispering. Here, let me get you something for that. Meanwhile, sit down and eat the breakfast I made you,' I said, getting up to grab her a hangover painkiller.

'You made breakfast,' she said, smiling, 'What's put you in such a good mood today?'

I smiled and shrugged.

'Oh, by the way, who was that cute guy you were hanging out with at the bar yesterday?' she asked me with a wink.

'Oh, god,' I said, rolling my eyes, 'He was really no one. In fact, I could even set the two of you up if you wanted.'

'How? It's not like you're seeing him again,' she said, looking at me for reassurance.

I rolled my eyes, 'I'm going to see him today.' I stopped her before she could say anything, 'But,' I said, abruptly, 'It's only because he wants to hear about… you know and he wants to hear the full thing.'

Hazel's eyes went wide, 'You're telling him about last summer?!'

'He forced me to tell him!' I yelled.

'Fine,' she said, 'But before you go any further into the story, just make sure this guy isn't planning on falling in love with you.'

'I'm not worried about that, at all,' I said.

'Anyway,' she said, changing the subject, 'Your birthday is in a few days. What are the plans?'

'Nothing,' I said, 'I've been dreading this day. I mean, it's been a whole year since it all happened. It's crazy. Not something I want to celebrate.' For the first time, Hazel actually nodded in agreement, rather than argued and tried to get me to a party. It may just have been because of her hangover, though. Though, I guess it didn't really seem like a nod of agreement, but more like a nod of sympathy, like she felt bad for me. 

Stefan smiled at the sight of me.

'Wow,' I said, 'This café is so cool. How have I never been here before?'

'It's reserved only for New York's elite,' he said.

I laughed. After ordering coffee and some pastries, I asked Stefan, 'Where were we?'

'You had gone to bed after your date-thing with Klaus,' he responded.

I lifted my head, to show I remembered.

So the next day, Hazel and I had invited a few of our friends over to the house to just hang out and have the fun we used to always have together. I had invited a girl named Laura, who was a friend from college, and a guy named Nate, who I also knew from college. Hazel invited two guys named Adam and Jeremy and a girl named Cara, who was dating Jeremy. We were all gathered around our living room, with beers and we were just talking like we normally do. In the middle of that, Klaus called me.

'Hello?' I said.

'Ella,' he said, 'Hey, it's me.'

'Klaus! Hey, what's up?'

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