Perfect Monday

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It was Monday morning. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEE-

My alarm clock screamed in my ear and my phone went off as I hit the snooze button.

"Ungghhh...leave me alone you noise maker it's Monday morning!" I moaned.

I picked up my phone and squinted at the bright light.


Zach: Hey you want a ride 2 school?

Me: Sure, pick me up @ 8:00?

Zach: Kk, c u then!

I slid out of bed and smiled to myself. Looking around my room the blue and white walls were drenched in sunlight from the early morning sunrise. I walked over to my closet and picked out a flowy white shirt and blck leggings. I quickly pulled a brush through my hair. I walked into my bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and opened my make-up drawer. I brushed on some mascara with black eyeliner.

I skipped down the stairs and grabbed the Cheerios off the kitchen counter. Opening the fridge I grabbed the milk and poured some in. After my cereal I opened the fridge again to find something for lunch. It was 7:48am so I had 12 minutes. I looked in and saw some yogurt which I put in my bag, along with a sandwich, a water bottle with a built in filter and an apple. For a snack I grabbed some trail mix and a miniature orange.


I grabbed my shoulder bag and threw on my tan leather jacket with a black scarf. Running to the door I slipped into some ankle boots and yelled a goodbye to my mom.

"Later mom! Getting a ride!" I called up the stairs.

Swinging the door open I saw Zach smiling at me. He was wearing a black and blue striped sweater with jeans. I smiled back at him and we walked to his car.


We walked into the school hand in hand. Everyone was staring at us with wide eyes. I could see alot of the girls whispering and the boys high fiving Zach as we walked by. We had to go opposite ways to get to our lockers so we agreed to meet at mine.

"See you in a few hot-stuff!" Zach called to me, turning down the hallway.

At my locker I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Stella and Charlie grinning enormously.

"EEEEEEEE!" they squealed.

This was going to be a long monday.

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