Zach's POV- Please, please, please be my girlfriend!

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I thought yesterday's lunch date went pretty well. Scarlet and I had gotten to know each other alot better and since we had a big socials project to work on together, we would be spending alot of time together now (YES!!!).

I was really contemplating on asking her about a date on friday night and then going to a party afterwards... I was so happy until my thoughts were so rudely interrupted by Big Mouth Brandon.

"Hey, almost the whole cafeteria was watching you and Scarlet dude." he told me.  Great, here come the rumors. "So...are you guys like, officially dating yet?" I wish. "No. Uh, not yet but I was planning on asking her out for friday then heading over to the Zappers' place with my new girl." I told him. Brandon smiled and patted me on the back. "Good job. I'm proud of you bro."

I could hear Kyle's voice a few lockers down. "Yeah, see ya bro. Tell 'er everything. You-know-who will really wanna know. Yep, later man!" he started walking over to us, when he saw me a smile lit up his face. "So, Scarlet and Zach eh? We gotta get you two together soon or Charlie Evans is gonna have my throat." he said. "She's the one who set you two up so you should be happy. Well....with a little help from yours truly." brandon punched Kyle, "Oh yeah, and yours truly's sidekick." We all laughed.

"I really like her," I told them. " I'm planning on askeing her out tomorrow." Kyle and Brandon grinned. "No, I will not go to a cheesy movie and then ditch her like you two would. We are going somewhere special and then I'll taker her to Zapo'z party." We like to call Flyn Zapper Zapo.

"Okay dude, your choice," Brandon says to me. "I know, I know." The bell rings and Brandon and Kyle walk away.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I whirl around to see that idiot nerd Spencer Addles. "What's up?" I ask him, annoyed. "You actually." he replies flatly. "Me...? Dude, what'd I ever do to mess up your life?" I ask him. "You. You have done alot in the past day or two. You know what I mean Mr.Marz, Scarlet. Stay away from Scarlet you Jerk!" his tone increasing in volume.

"Dude, I don't know what you're talking about. Scarlet Vinci isn't anyone's personal property. Especially yours." I shoot at him. "Oh, you know what I'm talking about. You stay away from her, I know what you're up to, I know you like her." he replies. "Well, so what if I like her?!" I yell and walked away.

On my way to second hour I'm just walking down the hall and all of a sudden I knock into scarlet, knocking all her books out of her hands. Crap. Just when I'm getting her to like me! "Scarlet! I am so sorry." I apologize, hoping she doesn't hate me now. I bend over and pick up her books before she can reach them. "Oh, Zach. It's really okay. I'm actually happy that I ran into you. Not like that I mean."

Scarlet Vinci wanted to see ME? Wow. She must really like me. "I-uh. wanted to see yoiu too actually. I had something to ask you..." I reply shyly. "Really? Okay. Ask away." she asks me, clearly getting excited. Here goes nothing.

"I wanted to know If you'd like to go out with me tomorrow night and then head over to Flyn's party. I really like you and I'd like to go to the party with you as my girlfriend." I told her.

And then she blacked out.



Hey! If you like the story so far please vote and comment! So far only one comment. Also any Idea's for a cast would be great. I'd like Stella to have Chocolate brown hair and Brown eyes at least, Charlie with dirty blonde hair, stella blonde, and Zach brown/reddish hair with green eyes...Thankyou so much for reading! I'll try to upload more ASAP! :3

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