Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung(V) X Male!Reader
{Birthday Surprise}
<This is from my Various!Males X Male!Reader book>

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it TaeTae. If my work keeps me from you today we'll still be able to celebrate your birthday tomorrow." A male with H/l H/c hair said into the phone.

"I know Y/n... I guess I was just hoping to spend today with you, but the other guys are still okay to hang out with.." Taehyung said with a pout Y/n knew was there and a soft sigh.

"What do you mean we're only 'okay' to hang out with?!" A familiar voice yelled which was audible for Y/n to hear.

"I feel terrible my love and I promise that we'll do something extra special when I see you okay?" Y/n said.

"Okay." Taehyung replied.

"Alright, I love you TaeTae and happy birthday!" Y/n smiled.

"Love you too Y/n. Bye." Taehyung said before he ended the call.

Y/n immediately set his phone down on the small coffee table and laid down on the couch to squeal.

"MY POOR TAETAE SOUNDS SO DISAPPOINTED!! FORGIVE ME MY LOVE!!" Y/n said dramatically before a rolled up paper was met with his face.

"Stop yelling, the whole neighborhood could probably hear your gay cries." A male with shoulder length black hair said.

"Did you have to hit me with a rolled up paper?" Y/n asked as he rubbed his face and sat up.

"That's the only way I could get you to concentrate on the task at hand." The black haired male answered.

"We have a lot of time though..." Y/n reasoned.

"No, I'm serious Y/n. We can't slack off in decorating the house! Not like last time when we decorated ten minutes beforehand for Jin's birthday surprise!" The brown eyed male said as he pointed a finger at the S/c male accusingly.

"How was I supposed to know that three hours had gone by?!" Y/n asked.

"We literally played multiple rounds of (2player Game) with the rounds lasting for eternity because we're too stubborn to lose!" The brown eyed male said."Besides, this is the day the love of your life was born! At least make it great since he thinks you won't see him 'til tomorrow."

"You're damn right Rae! Let's get to work on making this surprise for TaeTae the greatest!" Y/n said as he stood up with determination surrounding him.

"You're starting by yourself though." Rae said as he put on his dark blue and white hoodie.

"What why?" Y/n whined.

"Because I have to pick up the cake and get Jin over here to cook-as well as getting a few of the boys here to help while the rest of them distract Taehyung." Rae answered as he grabbed his car keys.

"Why can't I do that?" The H/l H/c haired male asked.

"You're not supposed to be seen by him." Rae reasoned while he walked towards the door and slipped his shoes on."Don't fuck up." Rae added before he walked out of the door.

"Only Namjoon would fuck things up..." Y/n said as he walked over to the bag of supplies and took out some streamers.


"Fuck..." Y/n muttered before putting the streamers down and getting the banner that said 'Happy Birthday' out instead.

"I'll put this...oh! There!" Y/n muttered before grabbing a stool and clear tape.

BTS X Male!Reader {One-Shots}Where stories live. Discover now