chapter 2

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Liam could hear his neighbour moving around next door, slight moans and banging let him know what Vin was up to. His chest felt tight and tears formed in his eyes. Liam knew he should just get over how he felt about Vin, but his stupid heart wouldn't listen. Picturing his Neighbour in his mind Liam saw 6'3 of muscled god, with shaved head and sculptured shoulders and chest. Vin reminded Liam of Jason Stathom when he stared in 'The Transporter' Feeling himself get worked up, between the image of Vin and the sounds of him having sex Liam was about to loose it.

Grabbing his wallet and keys he left the apartment and made his way to the exit. Having no clear destination Liam walked towards the main street of town, entering the first Bar he came across he prepared himself to get as drunk as he could. Setting himself down and signalling the bartender he placed money on the counter.

The bartender was a young attractive man, maybe early twenties. With fine blonde hair down to his shoulders and defined features, he moved in front of Liam with a smirk on his face letting Liam know that he know that he was checking him out.

Blushing bright red Liam went to get up and leave but a hand was placed on his arm halting him. "What's the hurry, you just sat down. You came here for a drink, didn't you? What can I get you, Sweetie?" Liam slowly sat back down and mumble his preference watching as the young man turned and made him his drink. Placing the chilled beer on the counter the man took the money, returning quickly he gave Liam his change.

"You just let me know when you want a refill Sweetie, okay?" Before Liam had a chance to answer the other man winked at him then wondered off to serve the other patrons. Liam was so shocked that someone flirted with him that he didn't notice drinking the whole glass in one go. Seeing the empty glass the bartender filled another one and brought it over.

The night moved in the same pattern for a few hours until Liam got up to go to the men's room, stumbling in and relieving himself he decided that he was calling it a night. Washing his hands afterwards Liam didn't hear the door open and close, but he did hear the lock getting engaged.

Spinning around he came face to face with the bartender standing so close that he could smell the mint on his breath. "I.....Wha-what are you doing?" Liam's breathing kicked up as he watch the other man fall to his knees. He couldn't move or look away as his pants were undone and his shaft was taken in hand.

Looking up at Liam the other man grinned as he moved his hand up and down. "Scott, my name is Scott. And I've been wanting to do this all night" Upon saying this Scott opened his mouth and took Liam's member in all the way to the back of his throat. Liam let out a loud moan as his knees almost gave out, the white hot feeling traveling all through his body. He know he wouldn't last long as the pressure was already building in his balls, it had been so long since he felt like this and he still could not believe that it was happening to him.

Scott sucked and licked until Liam lost the will to hold on, and with one last pull had him spilling down his throat. His legs shaking and lungs crying out for air, Liam stepped back and adjusted his pants. Unable to look Scott in the eye, Liam moved to the sink to clean himself up.

" You don't have to be embaressed, you liked it and I had fun too. I've been watching you most of the night and I could tell, you never have fun do you? And you're so cute I thought well hell, why not." Scott washed his hands while he was saying all that, and by the time they were both presentable Liam was ready to run out of there as fast as he could. Without looking back he left the men's room and the Bar altogether.

Racing home feeling real sober now he ran up the stairs and with hands shaking tried to unlock his door. Dropping the keys Liam swore and bending to pick them up he saw two bare feet in front of him. Raising his eyes he traced the feet up until he was looking at his Neighbour. Swallowing down bile Liam snatched his keys off the floor but was still shaking too much to insert them.

He heard a low chuckle and suddenly the keys were taken off him, refusing to look at Vin he stood silent as his door was unlocked. Whispering a quick thank you, Liam moved past Vin and closed the door. Once the door was locked he went and jumped in the shower trying to wash the nights actions away. Once clean he climbed into bed and let the tears fall.

How could he do something like that? In a public restroom. Liam felt so ashamed of himself, He never had done anything like that before. Heck, that was only his second blow-job in his entire life. He knew that most men his age had far more experience than him, but being so shy Liam had never had the guts to do anything before. So why did tonight happen? Not getting any answers he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

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