Now that she stands in front of me, I realize she's not a nurse. She looks at me with curiosity, and I can't help wondering why.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask. I don't mean to sound rude, it just comes out like that.

I hope she's not a police officer. I don't want them on my case. Atleast not yet.

The girl's eyes widen, and she stares back and forth between me and the doctor, like she's at a loss for words.

My mother furrows her brows. Now that I can see her clearly, I notice she looks a lot healthier than when I saw her. Which can't be possible because I saw her yesterday. 

"Darling," her voice breaks a little. Do I really look that bad?

Before she can say anything else, the doctor puts his hand on her shoulder, politely asking her to step back.

"Daniel, do you remember your accident clearly? Could you describe it, please."

I frown. The details were kind of hazy. "I guess I got hit by a car? I don't know, I can't be sure. I remember hitting my head."

"And have you ever had problems with your head before, say migraines?"

I nod. He's asking me if I'm aware of my condition.  Of course I am. Brain tumor. Not malignant, fortunately. 

"And this accident you're talking about. When did it happen?"

"Depends on how long I've been here." I shrug. "Yesterday, most probably."

The doctor checks back on his notes, looking up and passing me a small, sad smile. "Daniel, the accident you're talking about happened over two years ago."

I shake my head. "No." I tell him. I look at 'ma to help me, but her eyes are downcast. The girl in the corner looks miserable. Nate pulls her into a side hug.

"Daniel, how old are you?" A nurse asks.

"Eighteen." I murmur.

But she's shaking her head too. "You're twenty-one." Says the doctor.

I'm chewing on my lip now, my hands clenched in fists. "Is this some stupid joke?" I ask him. "You think this is funny, don't you?! Well--"

The nurse sighs and leaves the room. Ten seconds later, she comes back with a newspaper in her hand.

"Nobody's crazy." She tells me. "Nobody's lying to you."

She holds up the newspaper, and points at the date.

My heart sinks. "No..."

No. I refuse to believe it. Newspapers can have typos, right?

I grab the newspaper and go through the pages. On the front cover is a picture of the Tolskinsi towers, which is strange because just last week they had announced the beginning of the project. 

Yesterday it was a pile of rubble. Today it's a twenty floor plaza.

What in the world is going on?

"It's nothing to be afraid of." The doctor says. "We call it retrogate amnesia. It may be because of your condition, or as an after effect of your surgery.

Hold on. "Surgery?!"

The doctor nods. "You had surgery to remove your brain tumor a little over twenty four months ago."

Unease settles in my chest. "Why don't I remember? When will my memories come back?"

"They may." He says. "It's different for every person."

Great. So I was a loser, psychopathic mental patient.

The doctor leaves to give me some time alone with my family.

I look at the girl again, but this time she's biting her lip nervously, her gaze on the ground. 

"Will someone explain what the fuck is going on?" I say exasperately.

"I have a child." Nate says lightheartedly.

I roll my eyes. "Shut up."

But 'ma is already going through her phone. "Here." She says slowly, showing me a few pictures. "Do you remember these?"

I flip through them. "Whose apartment is that?" I ask.

"It's yours." Says the girl. She crosses the room in three short steps. "When you lived in America."

"Woah." I blink. "'Ma, I thought you were joking when you said you booked us tickets."

"No." Says Nate. "You finished your senior year there."

I look at the girl curiously. She seems to know me - so why don't I remember her?

"Who are you?" I ask. "I'm sorry, I'm just having trouble remembering."

"Valencia." She says softly.

"Like the city?"

She looks up at me. "Like the city." She repeats. 

Everyone looks really disheartened, and it's driving me crazy. "You guys, don't worry."

Ha. They should be saying that to me.

"You know how messed up my brain is. I'll probably start remembering stuff in a couple of hours."

Nate's phone starts ringing really loud. He murmurs an apology and leaves the room to answer it.

"You know what," Valencia says to 'ma. "I'll be outside. Call me if you need anything."

And before she can stop her, Valencia walks out too.

"Is she Nate's new girlfriend or something?"

'Ma looks appalled. "Quite the contrary, my dear. She's yours."

I blink up at her. That girl who just left was my girlfriend?

How come I didn't remember her then? Was I that crazy?

Ma comes and sits next to me, and takes my hand in hers. Her touch is warm, and I find myself wanting to hug her.

I take a shaky breath instead.

"Want to me fill you in?" Ma asks.

"Please." I mutter. "And start from the very beginning."

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