Chapter 4: Finally Safe

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Destery's POV:

"Holy tits she looks cute when she sleeps." I said, while glaring across the room at Savanah sleeping. "Uh yeah I'll give her about an hour before I wake her up." Nate assured. "Well you'll have to go through me first then!" I promised, flexing. "FALCON PUNCH!" I fake shouted, and playfully punched him in the gut. "Nooooo!" He yelled in defeat, doubling over. I used this to my advantage and chopped off his head with an imaginary sword. "Victory!" I screeched quietly.

I pulled him up and entered the kitchen. "C'mon let's make breakfast for her, chicks love dat." I joked, pulling out random cooking materials. "Dude, I can't believe you're already sleeping together, I mean you JUST met." Nathan asked curiously. I propped myself onto the kitchen counter. "It's not like that man, she's had a hard time...she's gone through a lot of things i can't even explain. You remember last night when I went back to Starbucks to get my ipod." I began. "Yeah." He replied. "Well that's when it started. I saw her crying and so I took her back here, and when we got settled she told me what happened." I continued. "Well are you going to tell me." Nathan blurted. "Yeah be patient, this is serious." I replied. Nathan nodded. 

"Well she told me she was running away from her father, he was drunk, and then she told me...she told me what he did t-to her all the times he was drunk before." I finished sorrowfully. "I had no idea, I don't know what to say." Nathan explained, shamed. I shook my head. "I'm keeping her here, so I can protect her. I won't let anything else hurt her." I swore. "You're right." Nathan agreed.

Savanah's POV:

I sat cross-legged on his bed. Clueless as to what happened last night until it hit me. We kissed. I though excitedly. I remembered receiving a text. I grabbed my phone and turned it on, I yawned as I waited for it to load. I checked my recent texts and found three from Angelia, but they were to recent to be the one sent last night, nope that one was from my mom. It read: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!! YOU ARE GOING TO GET OVER HERE NOW UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO CALL THE COPS! DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW SCARED YOUR POOR FATHER WAS!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MADE HIM BREAK THAT DOOR DOWN!! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR A NEW ONE WITHOUT A FUCKING LOCK!!! YOU KNOW HE WAS RIGHT YOU ARE A SLUT YOU AREN'T FOOLING ANYONE. YOU JUST CONFIRMED OUR THEORY: YOU ARE SNEAKING OUT HAVING SEX!!!! I couldn't believe it. I was speechless at her stupidity.

Right then Destery walked in. "Finally you're awake." He said kissing me on the cheek. Even that didn't make me smile. "What's wrong." He asked. I couldn't even speak, so I just handed him my phone. I could clearly see the shock on his face. "You're probably exhausted, you don't need to deal with this right now, I'll take care of it, you don't even have to respond." He declared. I think he copied my mom's number onto his own phone. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Shh I'll show you later go to the kitchen I'll meet you once I'm finished up here." He answered and handed me back my phone. I noticed he blocked her. Wow she's going to be so pissed.

Destery's POV:

I texted Savanah's mom: You don't need to be concerned with Savanah's location all you need to know is this, she is safe and I'll die before letting you near her. Now be serious what do you plan on telling the cops, she ran away from her piece of shit father because she was completely afraid he was going to rape her again. I'll pay for a damn door just leave her alone. She'll be a better person than you'll ever be. I sent it and quickly blocked her not caring for a reply.

Savanah's POV:

I entered the kitchen and sat down on a stool. "Hey." I called to Nathan. "I see you got dressed." I added before he could answer. "Uh ya, that was something you should not have ever seen." Nate answered coming over with a plate of food." I giggled and took it from him. "Thanks." I said. "No problem." He replied smiling.

"So, where are you taking Angelia tonight?" I asked, because I couldn't find anything else to talk about. "Err, uh, um I can't think of the name." Nate blurted awkwardly. Just then his phone rang. "Got to go answer this!" He yelled, scrambling away. "Okkaay." I whispered, starting to eat.

Nathan's POV:

"Heellooo?" I sang. "Yeah, hey it's me." A girl answered. "Oh hey Angelia." "Hey." She replied. "Soo, you still up for tonight." I asked. "Of course, but uh for the first time in like forever i'm really nervous." Said Angelia. "You should be, it's not everyday a girl get's to go out with someone like this." I joked. "Duuude, you're just making it worse, you butt." She replied. "It was a joke, you're amazing and it's going to be a lot of fun." I spoke comfortingly. "That reminds me where exactly are we going, I told Savanah we were going for dinner like you said, are we?" She questioned. "Well it is dinner but it's not a restaurant." I replied. "I got to go, TTYL can't wait." She said and hung up.

I AM taking her for dinner, but at a really fancy hotel. It's going to be really romantic, so I hope she doesn't got the wrong idea, especially because there's going to be like rosepetals spread upon beds, and wine, and music. She's not the only who's nervous.

Savanah's POV:

I watched as Destery strolled into the kitchen. "Soo what did you do." I asked sort of hoping for him to not reply. He handed me his phone and I read what he wrote to her. He is so sweet. "You're insane." I gasped. "Hey, you should be thanking me." He replied. "I'm very thankful, really I's just..I'm scared." I confessed. "Don't worry I'll protect you." Said Destery. He pulled me into his arms.

I closed my eyes and stood still he had his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes. My face was cozily cradled into his neck. I tilted up my face and kissed. I could feel him shiver. It was a good shiver though. I smiled and rested my head back down. 

 "Err, should I go orrr." We heard a voice say from behind us. "No we're done." Destery and I blurted at the same time. We quickly pulled away and looked different directions. "Aw you guys are so cuh-ute." Nathan mentioned with a weird smile on his face. 

Angelia's POV( about time):

Why won't she answer my texts and calls? I thought worried as hell. I sent my final text before actually doing a real search for her. "Savanah, I'm really worried about you. I need you, and I hope nothing is wrong. I tried coming over but the place is crawling with cops + I noticed ur window was open. Where are you? plz reply fast." I hit send and lied my head on my pillow, finally letting out the tears. My phone buzzed and it almost gave me a heart attack. Heart beeting fast I scrolled down to my texts, hoping it was her. 

Luckily, it was. She wrote: OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT TO WRITE BACK! ya it's a long much too type do you mind if i call. I wrote back: Not at all I'm still worried. In several seconds my phone rang. 

"Tell me everything!" I exclaimed. "Calm down." Savanah replied, before telling me everything that happened last night. "Savanah, I'm so sorry...I thought it stopped." I said speechless. "At least one good thing came out of it." I continued. "I'm so happy for you two, your dream has came true." I cried dreamily. "Yeah, you're right." She admitted. "Um I guess I'll talk to you later, I'm sorry I have to leave for work, but I'll probably see you when I come over to pick up Nate." I said. "Bye." Savanah replied.

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