Chapter 1: Worst Wake-Up Call Ever

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"WAKE THE BEEPING BEEP UP!" Angelia shouted thoughtlessly from the doorway of my room. "What the shit dude?" I moaned while rubbing my eyes. I tried opening them but they instantly shut as soon as they detected a bright blinding light. "Oh...My...God dude shut that off." I whined at her frustrated. I slid my hand along my side tabled searching for something to throw at her. I grasped my T.V. remote and flung it across the room, only to hear it crash to the floor. "Ha, missed me bitch." She said through hysterical laughter. I scoffed. Although I couldn't see her, I knew she was rolling on the floor, most likely holding her stomach and choking with laughter she was weird like that. I don't know what I was thinking when I became friends with word to describe her: CRAZY! But I still love her ya know, after all we are best friends. We met at school awhile ago she helped me through a lot of things, since I was nervous going to a public school, soon after that we grew close. But right now I just wanted to slap that ho. "I'm seriooooous, wait what the hell how did you get in here in the first place?" I asked utterly confused, I'm like that when I'm tired I was never ever ever a morning person. "Your mom let me in duh, she's so nice. "Suuuuure she is now go away." I groaned burying my face into my pillow. "C'mon Savanah get up don't make me have to go over there, you will be hatin life." She threatened. "I know, I'm getting up, now I suggest you leave, unless of course you do wanna see me naked." I replied, sitting on the edge of my bed, head cocked. "Uhhh..." She babbled surprised at my answer with one of her famous 'totally freaking weirded out' faces'. She slowly backed out of my room never losing the face. Eventually I heard her rush down the stairs and yell "I missed you too 'B.F.F.!"

Laughing I pushed myself off my comfy mattress, yawned and stretched, I would kill just to lay back down, nuzzle my face into my pillow, and dream of unicorns and rainbows, but alas today is another shitty school day. *sarcastic hooray* I clumsily stumbled into the bathroom and rested my hands against the counter. I looked up into the mirror, which was covered in who knows what. I just stood there for a while, looking at myself. I was an average height and weight, I had almond-shaped rich deep hazel eyes with dark espresso rims, soft lips shaded a light pink, I had skin like off-white silk, and in my opinion a rather large nose which I am far from happy with, but my best feature had to be my hair. It's long, glowing, chestnut, strands flowed down to my shoulders then stopped jagged and thin, It also ran along my forehead as bangs, and then framed my face in spike-like strands. I cut it myself, it was based on my  favorite person in entire world's hair( yes I love him more than my family and friends don't judge me!) I'm not fully sure I succeeded though.

That person is the best youtuber and more, his name is Destery Smith but he's more commonly known as CapnDesDes. Just the thought of him made my stomach flip. I can't even describe what I feel when I think of him It's much more than that 'butterflies crap', it's completely indescribable. All I know is just with one thought I forget everything and all that is left on my mind is...him. Whenever things are tough I watch his vids and it takes me to another world, somewhere happy and carefree. But then I get that other feeling, the one that says "You may love him but be serious he has a million other fangirls that are probably willing to kill for him, and more importantly he doesn't know who you are and will never know who you are, let it go. I shook myself free of that theory and realized i was crying, I wiped away my tears, quickly showered, and met up with Angelia downstairs.

"Took you long enough." Angelia remarked as I stepped into the kitchen. "Hope you weren't doing what I think you were." She joked. "What the fuck are you talking about you idiot." I complained. "Whatever it doesn't matter I’ma go watch some T.V. come get me when yo done gurrrl." She announced in some sort of gangster voice. I couldn't help but laugh. "mhm." I answered almost inaudible. I quickly fixed a bowl of cereal and began to stuff my mouth. I had to be fast becuase I really didn't want to have a run in with my little brother, Dylan, or as I like to call him Dumbass. Dylan is a pretty stupid name my parents were probably drunk as always. (Sorry other Dylans, my brother ruins everything including names).

I failed at my attempt. My brother charged into me almost succeeding to knock me off the stool I was sitting on, the only reason is he surprised me I mean he's a total weakling. "Dude come on stop being so stupid I'm 16 you're 11, be real plus I'm always going to be stronger than you." I Declared. "Nu-uh you're just a girl, W-E-A-K." He implied with an proud smirk spread across his face. I wanted nothing more than to punch him at that moment but the only thing holding me back was all the other times I lost control, the little bitch always went and whined to his mommy and of course she believed every single word that came out of her precious angel's mouth, the she would scold me and punish me while he stood safely behind his guard antagonizing me, everything about him made me sick and she wasn't great either. I know you are supposed to love and respect your mother but damn that woman, most of the time all she did was act like a clueless bitch. "Whatever I'm out." I commented holding in my anger. "Ya run away!" He boasted.

I ignored him and plodded over to Angelia. "Let's go I can't take this bullshit anymore plus it’s 7:45." I told her looking at my watch. I grabbed my back pack and headed outside. "Holy shit!" She exclaimed following. We chatted as we walked to the our bus stop, which was only a block away. Well she talked I was just listening...well not really listening either. I had my phone out, I was reading Destery's most recent tweets. I giggled at one. "What's so funny are you even listening." Angelia asked accusingly. "What? yeah..."I answered still not really caring. "No you aren't Gimme that." She mumbled, reaching for my phone. I lifted it above my head. She was much shorter than me so keeping stuff out of her reach wasn't exactly hard. "Try gettin it up here midget." I teased. "Um one problem dude, I don't have to you're already facing towards me, who is CapnDesDes." She questioned. "Omg, uh no one, les go were gonna be late for the bus." I quickly changed the subject. "Whatever your business not mine, your right lets go." She agreed. "Yep."

We only waited for a minute until that big yellow bus, that began a day of torturous hell, arrived. "Bitches first." I joked gesturing to the bus' open doorway. "Okay then go." She commented back. "Get in I don't have time for this!" The bus driver pleaded. I ignored her last comment and got on. She followed after me and we both looked for a seat. After what seemed like forever, we found an empty seat. "EWWW, what is that." She cried pointing at a wet spot on the black cushy seat. "Uhh I don't know who cares, maybe it's just some kinda cleaning fluid, just sit down. I concluded. "You better hope so." She cautioned. As soon as we sat, the bus' doors closed and it began to move, and so begins the day. Hopefully, I will make it.


My Captain: Destery( A Destery Smith Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum