Polar Vortex (Jelsa Fanfic)

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"What is that girl up to again?" The woman sighed to her companion.

"How am I supposed to know? I suppose she is up to her queer imagining." The lady wrinkled her nose in distaste as she sipped tea from the china cup.

The two were deeply in conversation on the front patio, when a little girl danced across the lawn, seemingly skating across the thin layer of ice on the snow. As dignified young ladies, they turned their nose up at the "minority".

"What in the world is she imagining about?" the other shook her head in wonder.

"Creating ridiculous romances in her head. I have no idea why she is so sappy. None of us in our family is," she curled her lip, unpleasantly reminded of the fact that she was related to the young one, now dreamily making a snow angel.

"Speaking of love, did you hear that the Princess Anna and the man who cuts ice for a living, Kristoff, are married?" The opposite babbled, craving gossip.

"I find it ridiculous that the Princess should be married to a man of such a low class," came the snide remark, punctuated by a huff, "Though, I suppose, is what the sister would find charming." She avoided saying "my sister."

"Well, it's better than that so-called fake, Hans. And when do you suppose the Queen is going to get a suitor of her own?"

The words were uttered, and the little girl had heard it. She stopped making her angel, and amused her self by visualizing of the fair and beautiful queen meeting her own special someone. She had not really known the Queen personally, of course, but she imagined her as the quiet, timid type whose powers put her under immense pressure.

(You and I know, of course, that Elsa is not timid or shy at all, but rather insecure, and starving for freedom, but the girl wouldn't have known that.)

"Lavada! Come here! Mother would like to see you!" her older sister called out, her shrill voice tearing through the calmness of the meadow.

"In a second, Lydia!" She left the ground, and ran into the house, hurriedly brushing off snow crumbs off her dress.

"Lavada." Her mother, sitting primly on the armchair, hands folded neatly, acknowledged her presence.

"Greetings, mummy." Lavada replied sarcastically, trying not to smirk. Smirking was a form of disrespect.

Mrs. Overland narrowed her eyes, till her thick lashes were intertwined , "As you know, we are a very powerful family, and have good friends."

Lavada bit her lip, and averted her mother's gaze. Oh no. Was she going to lecture on her daughter acting like a peasant child again? If so, why mention friends? To Mrs. Overland, friends were another way of saying, "Someone to take advantage of."

She continued, "And the Queen Elsa, as well as Princess Anna, is one of them."

Dread coursed through Lavada's veins like ice-cold water, "What is your point?" she asked, breathing rapidly. She tried to time her breathing to the soothing ticking of the clock, but it wasn't any use. Were the princesses coming for a visit?

"In idle conversation, I hinted that you needed to improve your etiquette, and if they knew any good institutions for teaching behavior---"

"What?" She gasped, imagining the blank white walls and a strict, high cheek-boned woman with a bun, face contorted in disgust as the ruler she held made contact with the girl's knuckles, while simultaneously yelling. She knew, from experience, that schools, teachers, tutors, or institutions meant bad news.

"--- And, they made a very generous offer. They offered to let you live in the castle as a guest, where you would surely improve your manners."

This was even worse than a school. At least, in a school, there were students as awkward as you, and good manners weren't to be used in any other time other than class time, which Lavada could live with. In a castle, manners were to be used in every day life. And not to mention, her living with two princesses! What if they didn't like her?

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