Chapter 3

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Recap: Jack and Bunny had just crash-landed in the past, to fetch a Guardian, and Lavana is slowly adjusting to life in the castle. However, the prince of a neighboring kingdom wants to talk to Elsa about something. What could it be?

Jack soared down, enjoying the feel of the cold, crisp air tangling itself around his messy white locks of hair, and on his face. Just as he was about to plant down face-first onto the jagged boulders on the ground, he willed the air to straighten him up. The wind seemingly obeyed his command, swooping him up, as effortless as a kingfisher diving for a fish. 

This, of course, earned an eye roll from Bunny. Shaking his head, he decided to ignore the winter spirit, and scanned the horizon. 

If I were a future Guardian, where would I be?

A foolish passing thought, perhaps, as this hardly worked on lost objects. However, his gaze landed on the massive palace in the middle of the city. Most Guardians had to go through trials in order to achieve the level of being resurrected. Usually, their original lives were filled with hardships and obstacles, which eventually caused them to sacrifice themselves. Bunny himself couldn't remember much of his own past, but he was pretty sure that he was once a peasant who never gave up hope, even during the Dark Ages of his time.

He forced himself out of those thoughts, shaken up by his own past. Manny had mentioned that this person had never been resurrected and had died of old age. Could it be possible that the person had never went through any hardships through his or her life? The best place to look for such a person would be in a luxurious palace.


Lavana sighed in contentment,  drowsily browsing through the novel she picked up earlier. Already, she was halfway through the story. It was a wonderful one of a regular villager and a princess falling in love and overcoming many trials together to achieve a happy ending. Suddenly, she paused, letting the book drop on to the floor. Speaking of royalty and love... Lavana snickered into her hands. Now she could return to her fantasizing of Elsa meeting her true love, since now she knew more about her.

Lavana scrunched her face up in concentration, brows together. Elsa was a hard person to pair up with somebody. First of all, she had magical ice powers, so that didn't earn her much points in the feminine department. Second of all, she wasn't the most sociable of people when it came to dealing with the other gender--- Lavana could gather that much based off of her observations. And, lastly, it didn't seem like Elsa wanted to be involved in a relationship. At all.

Lavana sighed. If only there were a man with ice and snow powers that could charm even the immovable Elsa. Sadly, there were no names that Lavana could call to mind.

Just as she was about to give up, six rhythmic raps sounded at the door.

"Yes?" Lavana answered, hurriedly hiding the book under her pillow, "Come in!"

Anna opened the door a tiny crack, and she poked her head in, grinning, "Greetings, Lavana. Just wanted to say that dinner would be ready in a few minutes!"

"Okay," she nodded in reply, biting the inside of her cheek. Elsa was bound to be at dinner. Quite frankly, she also wanted to know what that conversation with the prince was all about. 

Anna smiled, "Follow me downstairs."

"But I know where the dining hall is," protested a confused Lavana.

"I know. I want you to follow me for something else. Just don't make a sound." Anna beckoned with a mischievous grin on her face.

Warily, she slid off of the bed and followed the redheaded woman, afraid that she was up no good, and wanted to drag Lavana into it. 

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