Welcome To America

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Sang Sorenson's POV

The 'plane' Alexei referred to was really more of a jet. An obnoxious jet with wind so loud I could barely hear my headphones. After about a ten hour flight, Vlady finally landed on a private airstrip in Charleston, South Carolina. I pulled out my headphones and tore my gaze from the window. I love windows, I got to see the world from the view of a bird. I smiled to myself at the reference.

Turning to Alexei, I broke the silence we have been consumed in for too long, "I really wish they had not forgotten the files, Alexei. I would have liked to have known what I have to work with." I sighed as he rolled his eyes. When I asked about the files I was supposed to receive, Alexei said his contact had not gotten back with him and apparently Alexei did not know the team members names. I have no idea what I am walking into. I mean, they could be these forty year old men too out of shape mentally or physically to keep up with me. Honestly, there are fourteen of them, FOURTEEN, and they still need me? How bad must they be? Maybe this is an Academy test of some sort. I shrugged to myself, only time will tell.

Alexei turns to me as we make our way out of the jet and refers to me by the name we use between alias', "Ghost, we will head to HQ after we get you settled in your hotel room. I want you to be settled bef-"

I cut him off quickly, "No. That is not necessary. I want to start right away, I want to meet this team I am to work with and know what it is I am doing here. Why would they call me across the world when America has some of the best teams and is the Academy's biggest branch? This makes no sense." I was genuinely confused. I mean, I know I needed to leave Russia anyways, on account of not wanting my head detached from my body, but I had no clue why the Americans would need me. I suppose my Ghost status is unique, but they have never needed me before because of how many people they have.

Alexei opened his mouth to argue, but I guess he read the determination on my face and just sighed. "Ok. I will set up the meeting, but they will come to the hotel. You need to rest." I was going to argue the last part, but after running from the Italians and being on a jet for hours, I just nodded in satisfaction, knowing when to pick my battles. I tried to sleep on the jet, of course, but it was too loud and I was too anxious to land.

After saying our goodbyes to Vlady, who decided to stay with his jet until Alexei was ready to return, we got in a black sedan and were off. He gave me a key to the car as well, telling me I would be able to use it when he left. Alexei is going to go back to Russia after I am settled to try and find a way around this whole death sentence/ bounty thing.

BTS, one of my favorite K-POP groups, came on and I gladly sang along. Alexei does not speak Korean, but he complimented my voice, to which I beamed. At a stop light he pulled out his phone and sent a message to a Dr. Roberts, his contact, to let him know the teams should come to my hotel.

After driving for forty minutes, we ended up at a blank canvas-looking hotel south of the airstrip. The building was tall and nondescript. Perfect. I jumped out before the car was put in park and yelled at Alexei to, "Hurry the heck up, my Americans await!" While giggling, of course. I was so excited now, my veins felt electric and my eyes felt a little crazy to be honest.

I skipped my way to the building, Alexei following along with a small smile as I burst into the lobby. This was it, I was going to meet my temporary team. I hope they aren't grumpy old men... I glanced around the lobby, already using my training to make sure there was no danger. I frowned when I didn't see a group of Americans standing around.

Alexei's chuckle shook me out of my disappointment, "Chin up, Ghost. They are on their way, I'm sure." I smiled a little at that while he continued, "I'm going to go check us in, you wait here." He started to walk towards the reception area before turning back and fixing me with a pointed glare ruined by his smirk, "And do not go anywhere." I couldn't help but smile deviously in response. What trouble could I possibly get into in a hotel lobby? Please.

Ghost Bird- Russian Where stories live. Discover now