~Chapter Twenty-nine~

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                           Big thanks and lots of love to you all for reading this!!!! Xoxo        

  Steven had managed to get into the base without much trouble. He'd also been able to free a large percentage of the prisoners along the way. He asked them all if by any chance they knew where the prince was being held. They didn't,  but they said it could be possible that James was being kept in a different part of the base- upstairs,  where most who went up there didn't come back down.

That had gotten Steven's heart beating faster. His greatest fear was going up there and finding James being tortured, if he wasn't dead already.

He clenched his teeth and pushed the thought away. He had to try to find James. He made his way further into the Hydra base, swinging punches and kicks at guards that got in his way. He found himself in a hallway lined with doorways.  It was surprisingly deserted. Steven peeked into each one- most of which had a single bed- no, not even a bed, a table in the center. Steven shuddered just by imagining what Hydra might use the table for.

Steven made his way to the last room, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw a body- James's body- on the table.

He said a quick, silent prayer to whatever God would listen that James would still be alive as he approached the table.
Steven's lip began to quiver in fear that James's eyes would be blank and his body limp, but he willed himself to keep walking.

Steven walked slowly around the table so that he was at the end of it, and hesitantly looked over it.

But instead of seeing a cold, steel table, he saw a large mass of white.

And no James.

Then he heard someone calling,  "Steve?"

Steven turned around quickly, but he saw nothing but white.

"Steve? Can you hear me?"

Steven recognized the voice and his heart sped up instantly. It was most definitely James, though his voice sounded slightly different. He was speaking like Clint, with an American accent.
"James? James, where are you?" He felt something gentle and warm brush over his cheek.

"I'm right here, baby."

Steven whipped his head from side to side but still saw only white.
"I-I can't see you."

"Open your eyes, babydoll. I'm right here beside you."

Confusion clouded Steven's mind like a thick, grey fog. Open his eyes? He was pretty sure that they were open. He tried to remember the last time he'd eaten, the last time he'd slept. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him?

The tender touch on his cheek remained there, soothing him as James's voice chided, "Please, Stevie.  I'm right here."

Steven didn't understand at all, but he decided that it was worth a try. If it would lead him to James, he would try.

Hesitantly,  he shut his eyes.

"That's it. C'mon."

He took the time to take several deep breaths, counting each inhale and exhale.

Steven opened his eyes.


                    Bucky's face breaks out into a grin as his grey eyes meet beautiful blue ones.
Steve's been asleep for two days this time, mumbling his birth name and bits and pieces of dialogue of what Bucky can only assume is part of whatever odd dream Steve is having this time.

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