~Chapter Four~

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Steven had never had a headache quite like the one he had the moment he woke up the next morning.

The world was spinning, and his eyes would barely stay open.

He closed his eyes and turned over, pulling the blankets further up over his body.

He turned over again, not able to get comfortable.

Once more, he turned over, and bumped into something solid and masculine.

Steven grumbled as he turned in the other direction, pulling the duvet over his head.

Whatever he'd bumped into, he'd deal with it later.

He let out a yawn and closed his eyes, hoping for a few more moments of sleep.

Then his eyes opened again.

The bed was too soft, which his was not.

The bed was too large, where in his own, he could only roll over once before he fell off and hit his head on the floor.

The bed had a soft, thick blanket, where his own was thin and barely covered his toes.

Also, there was not a wall in his bed.

Steven lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. Slowly, turned his eyes to the left, to see why there was a wall in this bed.

An odd memory of when he was a child came to him, back when he thought there were monsters under his bed and wouldn't dare look under his bed in fear of being eaten.

This was kind of like that.

What he saw was not a wall.

It was skin.

On his left lay his Master, asleep, his bare back to Steven.

He was in his Master's bed.

Steven did all he could do suppress a gasp as the events of the previous night came back to him.

Prince James had celebrated his Birthday with him, the room had been dimly lit, and there had been wine.

And Steven had drank the wine.

Alot of it, too.

And he'd passed out.

And somehow, he ended up in the Prince's bed.

He racked his brain, trying to determine exactly what all happened.

His mind wouldn't respond correctly, all he remembered was Prince James laughing at his drunken antics and Steven thinking about go good looking he was. . . He hadn't said any of that out loud, had he?

Steven couldn't remember for the life of him.

Bit he did then remember that he had a job to do.

He tried to push himself up off the bed. He got about halfway before his arms turned to jelly and he flopped back down onto the bed with a groan.

That was when Prince James turned over, his eyes filled with sleepy amusement, a lazy grin on his face.

"You got really drunk last night. " Was all he said, completely unaware how nervous and flustered his bare chest just inches away was making him.

Steven didn't reply as he subtly tried to move his body to the edge of the mattress.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep in your room, Master." Steven apologized as he tried once again to sit up. "At least, I think that's what happened." His skinny arms gave out once again, causing him to fall back down on his back.

The Winter's Servant {Stucky AU} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now