~Chapter Fifteen ~

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                     Steven and James had laid together for most of the day,  simply making blissful small talk,  sharing sweet little pecks on the lips,  and learning things about each other that they hadn't known.

For example,  James didn't know that Steven loved to draw.  When James asked him if he was any good,  he'd blushed, looking down as he mumbled,  "I'm alright. "

He hadn't drawn very often due to not having the money to afford the paper and pencils. 

James made a mental note to buy him more art supplies than the servant could even fathom. 

Steven found out that James had always dreamed of being a soldier.  He'd told him that if he hadn't been born into the royal family,  he would want to be out there on the battlefield,  protecting and serving. 

Steven had giggled a little before saying,  "You can protect me for as long as you're not a soldier."

The Prince chuckled and pulled the blond closer to his chest.  "Well since I have no way of getting out of my family,  I suppose I'll be protecting you forever. "

Smiling up at the taller man as he snuggled his face to his chest,  Steven murdered,  "I won't mind. "

James lightly kissed the top of Steven's head and ran his fingers through his hair. 

They laid together silently but blissfully for a few moments before Bucky asked,  "Who do you share a room with?  I noticed that there are two beds in there. "

The warn smile vanished from Steven's face.  His eyes went dull for a moment before he softly answered,  "No one, now. "

"Oh?  Did he get fired? "

"N-no.  . ." He let out a sigh as he lowered his head and whispered,  "She died."

It took James a moment to register whom Steven meant. His mother.    When he did,  his eyes went wide and his heart filled with sadness for his servant. "Oh.  . . Steven,  I'm so sorry. " He get gripped his skinny arms and pulled his close again,  for he had strayed away. "Why didn't you tell me? "

Steven shrugged woefully.  "I didn't want you to be upset.  You were so happy to be home and I.  . . I didn't want to ruin that. "

James kissed his lips tenderly as he caressed his fingers down the servant's jawline.  "You could never ruin anything,  my beautiful boy. "

Steven blushed a little at the pet name as a tear leaked out of his eye.

James kissed him again just as softly and continued to hold him close.  He had no intention of letting him go unless direly necessary.

The two laid together on the bed,  partially covered in the duvet though it was the middle of the day and neither of them had the intention of sleeping. It was like a dream that neither of them wanted to wake up from.  James couldn't think of any better way to spend the day. 

A knock sounded at the door,  and James grumbled as he pushed himself up from the bed as he went to the door to see who it was.  Opening the door just a crack,  James popped his head out to see a servant who's name he never learned.

"Your Highness,  your father has requested your presence for dinner in an hour. "

James gave a swift nod before shutting the door and turning back to Steven who still laid on the bed. 

"So, " Steven said as he rolled over onto his stomach and propped himself up on his elbows, stray strands of his golden hair flipping over his eyes.  "You're going to dinner. " He stated.

The Winter's Servant {Stucky AU} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now