Black With Two Sugars

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I head a loud bang. I sighed, dragging my feet to find Sherlock walking around the room, a table flipped over.

"Sherlock what the hell." I wasn't mad. I could never be.

"Bored." He did not stop pacing. Just one word, the only word he had said to me in a while. 'Bored' was all he ever said anymore.

I didn't know what was up, I'd found him many interesting cases to work on but he still seemed out of it. Though I can't do anything about it cause he's a big baby and won't tell me what's wrong. I sigh, begining to leave.


I stop, turning back around to see a flustered Sherlock. I frowned. "Ooh, he talks," I said, my voice laced with unintended sarcasm. I see his face fall and I regret my words immediately but I don't take them back.

Sherlock scratches his neck, seeming overly uncomfortable and nervous.

"I uh...I'm....sorry."

My eyes go wide, unintentionally. Sherlock never apologizes. To anyone. What is going on?

"I uh...," he takes a tentative step closer. His off-green eyes are fixated on my own brown ones. I felt extremely uncomfortable but I didn't walk away. Why?

"John...I uh..."

He comes closer and I back up. He frowns slightly. "John I...."

The door opened and Mrs. Hudson walks in with tea.

"Boys I have.... oops..." She quickly leaves and I can see the grin on her face.

I turned back to Sherlock. He's staring at me. Why.

"You know, you're eyes are the exact color of my favorite coffee."

"Black with two sugars.."

"Black with two sugars." He smiles.

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