The Strong Love Between Them

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"(sighs in relief) Gladly, This young man has a strong resistance." One of the nurse said.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves... There might be any bad luck brewing and lurking around." The cautious nurse reminded.

Both of the nurses remained alert and prompt, knowing it wasn't over yet.

Okuda was there as her heart raced rapidly; she was so worried that she could faint.

A few minutes after, they've reached the hospital.

"Ma'am, only authorized personnel are allowed to proceed, don't worry, he will be fine." The nurse said.


Karma's Point of view

'What is this, where am i? Who is that? A girl with a dark violet hair? Okuda? Wait, who is she?"'

End of PoV


*Door opens*

"You are indeed lucky, ma'am, he is fine. He is now currently being transferred to room 309" The doctor spoke.
"Thank you very much, ma'am!" Okuda thanked in awe.
Okuda was about to run when the doctor called her again.
"Are you both close? Well, I guess I won't mind giving you this. * Gives Okuda a crumpled paper* He's been holding that the whole time."
"Don't worry ma'am, I will definitely give this to him." Okuda said as she ran towards to Karma's appointed room.

(At Room 309)

"Karma-kun?" Okuda called out as she opened the door.
"His still asleep, maybe I should take a nap for a bit too, Don't worry Karma-kun, I'm right by your side" Okuda said as she laid her head on karma's bed and held his hands as she sleeps.

'Here I am again, the girl's there again, who is she? I Got this strong feeling that she is someone dear to me *Girl blurs* No, Wait! Who are you?"

The girl smiles and turns around and continued to fade....

Okuda's tears were falling as she slept, and fell to karma's cold hand.

'Okuda-san! Is that you? '

*The girls image becomes clear again and walks towards him, Karma takes a step forward then the setting changed, they were underwater Karma realizes that the girl was with him already.

Karma puts his hands on his pockets and leans onto Okuda.

"How's it been? Manami?" He said.

The girl was shocked hearing her first name uttered by the one he likes.*

Karma opens his eyes and sees Okuda sleeping majestically

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Karma opens his eyes and sees Okuda sleeping majestically.

(Nurse's office)

"Why didn't you tell her that his memories might go away, Ma'am?" a nurse asked.

"I Wouldn't  worry about that, Those two will surpass those challenges... And besides, their is a strong Love Between them."

Recalling MemoriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя