Kaden half turned towards what she was pointing at. A low chuckle escaped him when he faced her. "Really?"

"Yes, of cou..." The rest trailed off when she saw what she pointed at.

A dustbin.

Kaden's laughter became full-blown at the look of shock on her face. "I guess a garbage basket is worth salivating at."

Even Cassie smiled a little at her own stupidity. At least he didn't know that she had been ogling him.

"If we're going to be working together for five years, I think we need to call an Armistice." Cassie cleared her throat.(A new found habit, that happens when ever Kaden was present).

Kaden replaced the cap of the half filled bottle water,while gazing at her in Turmoil.

"A truce." She grinned. "So much for going to school overseas."

Kaden grinned back. "At least,I got to make new friends."

"Yeah,right." She rolled her eyes. "Will you show me around while we discuss that Truce?"

"A pleasure to be your tour guide," he tipped her his imaginary hat."we'll discuss the truce after the tour. You'd have to apologize for calling me Manwhore."


Cassie loved the house and the furnishings. Everything in the house;from the indoor pool to the outdoor pool,the two large parlours, the wide kitchen,the sunroom,the library and gym room was beautiful and modern.
There were five rooms in total,two down stairs and three rooms was upstairs. They had toured four out of the fives rooms and most of them were painted green. Cassie made a mental note to buy paint and change the colours, she hated green.

They were about to enter the last room when Kaden excused himself to receive a call,so Cassie entered the room alone. This one room was different from the rest. Instead of the usual green colour,this one was off white and black. The king sized bed was black and was covered with black sheets. The room was so far,the biggest room in the whole house.

It had Italian touchings to it and it was simple yet breathtakingly beautiful. It had it's own en-suite bathroom,walk-in closet,balcony facing the busy I-75, which was nothing but a tiny peck in the far-away distance. As she made her way back to the room, she decided that the place needs flowers to make it look more lively.

Ella was going to love it here.

Suddenly happy, she toed off her shoes before jumping,face down, a the bed with a loud squeal. The covers felt soft and even the foam was soft.

She groaned in appreciation as she rolled on her back. She almost leaped off the bed when she saw Kaden standing at the foot of the bed,his eyes regarding her warily.

"One would think that you're doing something else if they heard you groaning like that."

Cassie swallowed nervously when his green eyes watched her with keen interest. She sat up in bed aware of the fact that the temperature in the room had risen to higher degrees.

"We're the only ones here." She replied, her voice coming out as husky.

In the name of all that's sweet,get a grip girl! Her mind screamed at her.

If that wasn't a come and get me line,then Kaden didn't know what it is. And oh, how much he wanted to reach out and drag her to him, how much he wanted to tear that dungaree and blue blouse off her,how much he wanted to bury himself so deep in her that....

"We should leave." Cassie said, when her eyes zeroed in on his evident arousal.

"We should." He agreed.

Only that none of them moved. In fact, they seemed to move closer to each other. Somehow, Cassie found herself on her back with Kaden towering above her,his eyes burning deep into hers.

There was no mistaking the fire in them. Cassie was sure that her own desire mirrored his. It has been long since she had had sex with any body, so maybe that's why she was reacting to him like this. She was sure that after this,she would not desire him again.

"This is a million ways wrong." Kaden murmured as her kissed the side of her mouth.

"So so wrong." She agreed as she angled her head to catch his lips but he moved his mouth to her earlobe. A groan of frustration escaped her lips.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Kaden said again a he licked and bit her earlobe.

"No we shouldn't." She purred.

"We should leave right now." His hand moved lower to cup her breast through the dungarees.

Cassie cried out as desire shot through her. "Enough talking, dammit!"

She reached up and yanked his head down to her own. She devoured his lips with renewed fervour. Kaden met her tongue for tongue, teeth for teeth and lips for lips.

As much as Cassie knew that this was wrong, as much as she wanted him to stop, as much as she told herself she hated him. She couldn't, for the life of her, ask him to stop.

She'd have a lot of regrets later.

Bit for now,she thought, just for now...

LOVE ALWAYS WINS. (book one of the Love Trilogy).Where stories live. Discover now