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"You're what?" Ella's mouth dropped open in surprise as she stared at Cassie as if she had grown an extra head.

"You heard me."

"Why? It is not because of what just happened is it?"

"No." Cassie shook her head. "I have been thinking about what you and my mother told me, and I arrived at the conclusion that I should close down the shop."

"Oh my God Cassie,I know how much you love working in the flower shop. I don't want--"

"I have made up my mind." Cassie flagged down a taxi,she entered the taxi with Ella,who looked a little sad at her decision.
"Cassie, please re-think your decision." Ella pleaded when the taxi pulled away from Golden Homes. "Is it really what you want?"

"What is it Ella? If I recall,you were hell bent about me hiding away in the flower shop,what suddenly changed now?"

"I know how much you love the flower shop."

"I have decided,Ella. Let's drop the topic." Cassie turned to stare out of the taxi window.

Arriving at the conclusion to close down the flower shop was not easy as she made Ella believe. For four years,the flower shop had been her own refuge and shield from the world. The flowers themselves brought her a kind of peace and contentment she couldn't explain. It was as if they understood what she was going through when they blossom so their fragrance filled the green house where she planted and harvested them.

Cassie needed money right now and the flower shop was giving her little. If only her father was alive,if only her mother loved her than she loved money,if only...

Cassie shook her head. If only's would not solve anything at this point in life. Her biggest worry right now was what she'll tell Beatrice when she got home. She couldn't help but wonder if her mother would go through with her threats.

Cassie hoped not. Because,then she would have to move in with Ella,or worse,sleep on the street.


Kaden adjusted his suit and tie while looking at the mirror inside the elevator he was in at the moment. His hands balled into fists when he remembered the little spat he had with that big mouthed blonde few minutes ago.

How dare she call him a manwhore In front of his employees? Is there even any word like manwhore in the dictionary?

He had never met any girl who didn't like him in his twenty-nine years on earth. Ladies flocked after him everywhere he goes,calling him all sort of sweet name,trying to gain his attention. Never for once had any female call him any bad name. But this one female had the nerve to call him all sort of names?

And her dark friend had a feisty mouth too. He couldn't help but wonder where they were from. It seems as if she mentioned something about downtown earlier. Did that mean she was from downtown? Whoever she is or where ever she came from, he would find out and hunt her down. She had picked a fight with the wrong person,if she thought that she would get away with embarrassing him,she had another thing coming.

Kaden stepped out of the elevator when the door slide open. His P.A met him on his way to the conference room,with her i-pad in one hand and a folder in the other one.

"Mr Mckade,Mrs Lancaster is in the conference room now with her cat." Amelia struggled to keep up with his strides in her six inches louboutin shoes.

"Did she comment on the flowers?" Kaden's stride became longer and fast.

"No sir." Amelia breathed as she fought to keep up with him. "I am worried about something else sir."

"What is that?" Kaden faltered in his steps.

LOVE ALWAYS WINS. (book one of the Love Trilogy).Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora