"It must be difficult for you, exhausting your entire vocabulary in one sentence trying to insult me." I opened my mouth to reply, but Black crossed the room quicker than I could get a sound out. He pinned me up against the wall, his hand resting against the wall beside my left cheek. He leaned forward to where his mouth was centimeters from my ear. "I've missed you, Jessica." He hissed those words into my ear and I felt a cold chill shoot up my spine. I ducked my head and tried to move, but his hand grabbed my wrist and with one easy throw, sent me stumbling to the bed. The edge of the bed caught my knees and I stumbled on top of it. I looked up to see Black standing over me. I narrowed my eyes angrily at him and he chuckled. "You are somewhat cute when you are angry."

"Then I'm about to get real fucking adorable," I snapped and Black put his knee on the edge of the bed, gently grabbed my chin, and lifted my head up towards him.

"Language, young lady, language. It does not suit you."

"They're sentence enhancers," I growled through gritted teeth. Black smiled and grabbed the back of my head with his hand and pulled me into a kiss. I attempted to pull away, but Black tightened his grip on me. He finally released me and I scooted to the far side of the bed. I was about to get off when I heard him clear his throat. I looked over my shoulder to see him undoing his tie, a dark expression darkening his face.

"Do not leave this bed." I knew what the expression meant. If I disobeyed, then what was about to unfold would be even more brutal to withstand. I continued to stare at him until Black broke into a soft chuckle. "I wish to take a small nap, and I wish to take it with you. If you leave this bed, however, I will make it to where we are involved in a small activity which will leave both of us needing a nap."

"If I agree, without any complaints, can I go to the park early?" Black stared at me with this, and I could see he was mauling it over.

"I suppose I could allow that." Giving him an irritated smirk, I curled my legs back underneath me and waited for him to undress. "You enjoy the park that much?"

"I do," I answered quickly.

"Part of me is wondering what you do in the park."

"Take a walk, enjoy the fresh air, clear my head, and do some thinking."

"It's the thinking that has me concerned," Black replied as he sat down on the bed, shirtless. "Thinking can be a dangerous pastime for you."

"But it...it helps," I replied. Black's arm snaked around my stomach and pulled me into him. His head rested up against my forehead and his breathing began to slow.

"Then if it helps, I will allow it. Remember Jessica, I do not want to hurt you." I turned my head away from him. He was abusive, controlling, manipulative, and he tortured me, but he always had a sincere tone when he said he cared for me. The amount of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion that had been dealt to me by this one man was beyond explanation. So he only wanted a nap today. Tomorrow, he would have me tied to the bed where he would be able to indulge himself all day long. I closed my eyes, and prayed for the day where I could escape to New Zealand would come.

I awoke from the nap to find Black gone. I was relieved until I spotted the note on the side table, with a dark purple ribbon tied around it. The note made me nervous. Whenever Black would leave something behind, it was never a good omen. I scooted across the bed and gently picked up the note. I pulled on the ribbon and it came loose, and I unfurled the note to find Black's elegant writing:


I have some urgent business to attend to, but do not worry; I will not be gone for long. Upon my return, we will be engaged in our annual nightly pleasures. Because you have been such a good little girl, I shall hold up my end of our little chat. You may go to the park today. But, you must be back before dark.

I dropped the note, in shock. Even though Black was unaware of it, he had just handed me my freedom. Smiling, I jumped off of the bed, grabbed a bag and began packing the little things I needed. I neglected the majority of my belongings; they could always be replaced. I slung my backpack over my shoulder, snatched up the note, and trotted over to the door. I tapped gently on it, and my guard opened it up and looked down at me with a disgruntled face. I showed him the note, and after he read it, allowed me to pass through.

"What's with the bag?" I froze. I had forgotten I didn't normally take bags.

"You're not going to ask a lady that are you?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. "I'm sure you wouldn't forget what we have to go through every month?" The guard turned a light shade of red and waved me on. It was a horrible lie, but it was the best one I could come up with. I flew down the steps and out the front door, at a dead sprint towards the direction of the park. Whenever the house was out of view, I changed course, making my way to the airport. Luckily for me, I hadn't purchased my ticket yet. I walked in the doors, panting heavily. Double-checking for my passport, I walked over and looked at the international flights. I smiled when I spotted the long trek to New Zealand, and purchased my ticket. I printed it off, took out my phone, and dialed Ms. Schwicker's phone number. She picked up on the third ring.

"Ms. Schwicker."

"Hello, Ms. Schwicker. It's Jessica."

"Oh, Jessica! How are you, dear?"

"About to be really good," I stated as I looked down at my ticket. "I was wondering if you could go ahead and transfer my credits over to Auckland University."

"In New Zealand?" My eyes widened at her confused tone. "Dear, the semester doesn't start for another two weeks."

"I realize that," I said in a hurried voice, "but with the outcome of the hearing, I just wanted to get away. The sooner the better, if you will. I plan on getting familiar with the area as well."

"Well, that may take up to a few business days. But I will go ahead and transfer them for you. Of course, you'll have to have your transcript."

"I can print it off when I get there."

"Do you have a place to stay?"

"Yes ma'am, I do. I do apologize for this being late notice."

"I can imagine something has happened that makes you want to leave earlier." Yeah, and the assholes name is Black.

"I really do appreciate this."

"Now I will have to check up on you. We wouldn't want your grades to be slipping and they send you back."

"That would be a nightmare," I agreed, except only I knew I was implying it would be in more ways than one.

"Well, I'll get the president to sign off on these papers and they will be on their way. Good luck to you, Jessica. Remember, you can always talk to me if you need to."

"I will keep that in mind. Thank you, Ms. Schwicker." I hung up and walked over to my section as I waited to board the plane. I looked up at one of the clocks nearby and saw I had about three hours before I was supposed to report back to Black. I smiled devilishly, and waited until they called for my flight.

It wasn't long before I boarded the plane. I was happy to get my window seat even though I had a small child and a single mother next to me. I had a feeling the child was going to act up the entire way, but I wasn't going to allow anything to dampen my mood. I was free. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes; picturing Black's confused and pissed off expressions. I had left no evidence behind; nothing to indicate I was leaving the country. I had fooled him. As I felt the plane begin to move, I exhaled, feeling for the first time in several months at peace.

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