"Leilah... you know how I feel about him okay. Stop asking stupid questions like this."

He walked toward his room and slammed his door.

I made my oatmeal and walked to the living room to watch an episode of Law & Order on the tv.

I sat on the sofa, crossed my legs and threw a gray blanket on my legs, an watched TV.


*ding dong*
*diiiinnngg dong*

I slowly opened my eyes as the front door bell rang. It took me 30 seconds to replace myself and realize that I fell asleep on the couch. I got up and walked to the front door. I opened it and :

"Leilllaaaaaaahhh bearrrrr !" A familiar voice said while a body full of curly hair jumped on me.

"Oh my goodd, Elooo beaaarr! I screamed when I realized that Eloïse was there.

"Oh my goodd, Elooo beaaarr! I screamed when I realized that Eloïse was there

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(Eloïse 🔼)

I took Elo's suitcase and we walked in the apartment.

Dell got out of his room wearing a grey Giants hoodie and some grey sweatpants. He had a "Why the fuck you guys are screaming for face?". He was clearly sleeping and our screams woke him up.

"Heeeey Deeelllll!" Eloïse said while running toward him.

Since they are both my bestfriend, we are all pretty close. Elo and Dell are close but not as close as him and me.

"Eloïse, don't use that nickname if you still want to live. " He said looking toward me while hugging her.

"She won't do shit!" She answered back.

Elo went to my room to set her things and unpack her suitcase since she was only leaving the next friday. She had a week off of school so she decided to come in the city to see us and go away for studying since it was going to be her midterms when she go back to Toronto.

We went back to the living room and all sat on the couch with me being between Dell and Eloise.

" So how's Toronto, Lo?" Odell asked Eloise using the nickname he uses for her.

"Actually it is really gooddddd! The semester started really well. My grades are really good." She answered with a genuine smile.

"What's the program you are studying in again ?"

"Behaviour, Genetics and Neurobiology. It's in the Psychology department and it is the science that examines the structure and function of behaviour in humans and animals. Animals like you Odell." She smiled at him.

"You two better don't start." I said rolling my eyes at the ceiling.

Odell threw a cushion at Eloïse .

"Anyways, I saw Joshua on the plane. He asked for you." She said.

I could see Dell tensed up. He took his phone out of his sweatpants' pocket and started scrolling down on IG.

"Okay and... What do you want me to do with this information ?" I asked.

"He asked for your number. I did not gave it to him. But he saw your mom last summer and she told him that you moved in New York City and got accepted in the Law Faculty of New York's University. Actually, he just moved in here too, last month." She said looking at me clueless of what she just said might create a war.

I heard Odell trying to control his breath. He got up and said : " I'm going to McDonald's, you guys want something?"

"I'm fine." I said.

"Bring me a Grand Mac with large fries and a seven up, please." Eloïse ordered.

"Gotcha' " Odell took his keys on the table by the front door, put his jordans and left the apartment.

"What's up with him, L?"

"Don't talk about Josh in front him, he can't stand him. Actually don't talk about Josh anymore. I'm trying to get him out of my life." I said while standing up to grab my phone on the kitchen counter.

"Said the girl wearing his t-shirt." She fired back.

I have known Josh since I was 16 years old. Our friendship was complicated. We tried to stay only friends, but we quickly developed feelings for each other. He was a fuckboy, a major fuckboy. Even Dell, that was only spending the summers at Montreal, saw it. One day he told me that he was going to move in California soon but did not know exactly when. We still tried to be together and one day, I woke up, and he had left. We tried to communicate and make things work, but at the end he was only hurting me. He was the first guy that I loved with all my heart and my soul. When I heard from his friends that he was dating a girl in California, my world collapsed.

I started to think that I was not good enough for him, I started falling into depression. Luckily, it happened during the Christmas holiday break and Odell was in town. He helped the best he could. Even when he got back to Louisiana, he was always checking up on me, texting me and facetiming me. I think that's the moment where our friendship became stronger and unbreakable.

"I'm going to lay down a little bit, as soon as you are done eating, you fat ass, wake me up so we can meet Kelssy at the library." I said while opening my bedroom's door.

"Who the fuck is Kelssy ? Your new BFF??" She asked.

"It's a friend that I met on my first week. She's in the Endocrinology program and we often study together. No she is not, you jealous hoe." I said just before closing my door.

I layed under my covers while praying that I never meet Joshua in the city.

Like New York City is 54 560 square miles. What are the chances that I meet him, huh?

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