[Imagine] dieing on a hunt

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You lay on the cabin floor, blood oozing out of your stomach. Dean and Sam ran to you, terrified looks on their faces.

"Its gonna be ok Y/N" Dean said while applying pressure to your wound.
You flinch at the pain and moan, Sam runs out of the cabin.

"I know it hurts" Dean says, tears starting to fall. Sam runs back in with a first aid kit.


"How many?" Sam asked while closing the impala door.

"3" Dean replies while heading to the trunk. You grab a small 9mm pistol loading it with bullets and aim off in the distance. Dean grabs his demon blade and inspects it. Sam grabs a pump shotgun and loads it.

"Lets gank some demons." Dean says with a smirk. You three start towards the cabin.

"After this we should go get some drinks at the bar" you say glancing over to Sam and Dean.

"Sounds good." Sam says.
You three are in front of the cabin, Dean signals Sam to go around the back, Sam nods aiming his shotgun in front of him. Dean starts walking towards the front door

"Stay on my ass" Dean whispers to you. He opens the door with a creek and pokes his head inside, he walks in, you follow close behind. You walk into the living room looking around puzzled.

"Where are they at?" you ask. Dean shrugged and searches The rooms. The back door opens you point your pistol at the tall man standing in the doorway about to pull the trigger, but you notice it was Sam.

"Anything?" You ask.

"Nothing." he replies.

You hear banging and things being thrown around in another room.
"Dean!" Sam exclaims while running toward the ruckus, your following close behind.

You hear the noise of Someone pumping a shotgun, followed with a bang, and the loud thud of a body falling to the floor. Dean walks out of the room,

"I think thats all of these sons of bitches" he says.

Your pistol gets knocked out of your hand. You feel a muscular arm around your waist, and something cold and hard put against your neck.

"If you let me go, she'll live" a deep voice said.

Dean stared at the man with fury and worry in his eyes.

"Ok, just don't hurt her." Dean said while putting the demon blade on the floor, he glanced at Sam and gave him a look. Sam layed his shot gun on the floor and kicked it towards you and the demon. The winchesters put thier hands in the air.

"Let her go" Sam says anger in his voice.

"Sorry buddy, you don'talways get what you want." the demon says. You felt a sharp pain in your stomach and fall to the cold hard floor. Warmth spreads throughout your stomach. Sam and Dean run towards the demon, but right before they got their hands on him he teleported away.

*end of flashback*

Sam kneels down and lifts your shirt to inspect the wound.

"S-she wont make it." Sam says, eyes getting red.

"No, no you have to do something Sammy." Dean cries.

"Cas, we need Cas. CAS!" Dean yells.

"D-Don't worry, I'll be in a better p-place" you say holding Sam and Dean's hand. You and look in Dean's eyes, you saw pain, sorrow, all the years of being tortured.

"Dont blame yours-self for this Dean. I swear i-if you do I'll haunt you t-ill you die, just Please move o-on, for me." You say coughing out blood.

"And Sam, wipe tho-se tears off your f-ace, take c-care of yourselves for me please."

"We will." Sam replies, wiping his tears from his red swollen eyes.

"T-ell Cas i said don't it's n-ot his fault for not com-ing in time, it was my time an-yway. Good-bye and I love all of you." You managed to choke out, your voice trailing off. Sam and Dean watched as the life flushed out of your eyes and you went limp. Both started sobbing hugging your bloody, lifeless body.

"Y/N" says a low voice from behind... it was Cas. He walks towards your body and kneels next to Sam and Dean.

He grabs your hand.
"If i had gotten here earlier she wouldn't have-" Cas gets interrupted.

"She said it's not your fault Cas... goodbye and she loves you" Dean said still sobbing.

*next day*

Sam and Dean gave you a hunter's burial. Standing in front of your ashes they said their words.

"You were the best hunter and best friend i could have ever hoped for y/n. I'll see you soon." Sam says throwing a flower into the flames and walks away.

"I have to say you impress me, y/n. I will see you again, and when i do, expect to be getting a big hug from me and Sammy" Dean says and walks to the impala with Sam. Dean takes one last look at the sky, in the clouds he reads "still here".

"Hey, uh Sammy? Do you see that too?" Dean says and points to the clouds. Sam looks up in the sky and reads the clouds.

"She's still with us" Sam says with a big smile on his face. Dean smiles and gets in the impala, while Sam takes out his phone and snaps a picture. He hope in the impala and Dean turns up the music.

You watch from above as they drive away.

"They got the message" you say smiling. You feel a hand on your shoulder, you turn and see Castiel. You give him a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Let me show you the way" he says. You follow feeling the softness of the clouds between your toes and the warmth of the sun on your skin.

The end

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