Chapter 5: Envy

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I woke up the next morning, thank god it was Saturday, and I did not feel like going to school not after yesterday, because I was not to my full strength yet. Alex almost killed me from taking so much blood. All I wanted to do that day was just lay there. All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I signed because I had to get up to see who it was. I walked out of the room and down the hall to the stairs and then down them to the front door. When I opened it I was surprised to see who it was, it was Alex what was he doing here? And what did he want? I was looking at him confused he could see that I did not really want him here, not after what happened. "Are you alright Ghost? I was worried about you all night when you fell Vladimir told me to get the hell out so I couldn't see if you were okay." Alex said as he was avoiding eye contact with me. "I'm fine, I'm still very tired though." I explained hoping he'd leave so that I may rest at least, but instead he looked at me then hugged me and held me so lightly it was hard to believe that he was a monster, well half monster. Alex held me tight, but not a tight like trying to kill but a tight that he was trying to say he was sorry and he cared. I couldn't help but hug him back, he was worried about me I couldn't just turn cold on him like he was my enemy, because I'm sure he wants to protect me. Even vampires are not perfect they can mess up. Having my face buried into Alex's chest his scent or just holding me was putting me to sleep, I could barely stand and being tired didn't help either, but finally my body gave out and Alex was holding me up now. "Ghost?! Are you alright?" Alex was freaking out I could hear but too tired to speak, when he calmed down he seen that I was only asleep. "You really are tired aren't you?" Alex said with a quiet voice, he picked me up and carried me to my room, he laid me on the bed and covered me up and sat next to me on the side of the bed and watched me as I slept.
I rolled over onto my left side and I slightly opened my eye to see that Alex was asleep next to me laying on his right side, therefore we were facing each other. Alex looked so peaceful when he slept. I pulled up one side of the covers to cover him up and I put my right arm under his arm and hugged him having my face lay on his chest, I could tell I woke him because he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. The room was quiet and I fell asleep again in Alex's arms I felt safe.
"What are you doing?" I could hear a voice ask.
"Taking care of Lisa." Alex answered. I could tell the voice that asked the question was Vladimir.
"Why? When I am here with her all the time." Vladimir explained.
"You can take care of her at night cause in the day your powerless." Alex said with a smile because he knew he had a point.
"Well Alex...Its night so leave." Vladimir said with no ton at all.
"Very well..." Alex said. He also whispered something to Vladimir as he left but I could not hear what. I heard the door shut then a big sigh that came from Vladimir as he sat on the bed next to me; I still acted as if I was still asleep. Vladimir sat there for a while I knew he was thinking, but I wasn't sure of what. "What are you thinking?" I asked. "Nothing, did I wake you?" Vladimir asked, with such a saddened voice. "No...Not at all." I said with a smile hoping to cheer him up, but it didn't seem to work all that well. I looked at him, but all he did was look at the ground and not say a word. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked with a saddened but yet scared voice. Vladimir looked at me but didn't answer. Then he moved toward me and got over me pinning me down onto the bed and went to my neck and bit me gently he probably only got a sip of blood, I guess he remembered how much Alex took from me. He then looked at me and smiled. "You didn't do anything wrong." He said then kissed me then left, I was guessing he was going to find food for himself. I don't know why but that night I went to follow him, to see where he goes or what he does in general.
I followed him closely, but not too close to where he couldn't tell that I was following him, when he stop he stopped in the middle of the park and there was a woman as far as I could see.
"Did you come alone?" The mystery woman asked.
"Yes." Vladimir replayed.
"Good, it's good to see you after all these years Vladimir." The woman spoke.
"Yeah you too Alexandra." Vladimir replied. Alexandra walked closer to Vladimir and bent his head back and bit his neck. I could feel sadness build up within me, but because I was stupid I kept watching, after she bit him he looked at her then kissed her.....How could he I thought he loved me...All of it was a lie. I could feel my heart sink to my stomach, I wish Alex was here. I fell to the ground against the tree I was hiding behind and just sat there. I watched Vladimir leave and not even notice that I was there I didn't care, because my heart was broken and it was too cold outside I could feel my body shaking from the cold. In my mind I didn't want to be on this earth no more. I didn't want to go home to face him for I'd have major break down.
I fell asleep at the tree and morning came in which the sun's light woke me. I could hear a voice calling my name I opened one of my eyes to see who it was but all I seen was a figure. The figure kept getting closer and closer. I closed my eyes for I was cold and tired. "Ghost, it's me Alex. Can you hear me?" "Alex?" I asked. "Yeah it's Alex. Are you okay?" I could feel his hand touch my face I opened my eyes to see his worried face. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck and I could fell tears rolling down my face. All that was in my mind was that Vladimir doesn't want me. "What's wrong?" Alex asked I'm sure he could feel the tears drop from my face. I didn't want to answer him, but if I didn't it would make Alex more worried. "I don't want to go home..." I explained trying to give hints without telling him right off I didn't know how to explain it, all I know is that I am heart broken and wanting to forget what happened. "Why?" Alex asked kind of puzzled. It was a long pause before Alex spoke again; I guess he was hoping for me to answer. "Vladimir is worried about you." Alex said trying to get me to come home. "I don't want to see him or talk to him after what I seen last night." I said very angry. A very long pause I knew Alex was trying to figure out what I saw. "Why did you see?" He asked. I looked into his eyes then looked away. "I seen Vladimir with another woman, well more like another vampire, her name was Alexandra. They were all over each other, I thought Vladimir loved me, he said he did, but his action say wrong...." I explained and after doing so I got up and ran I wanted nothing to do with Vampires anymore, all they do is use you just like in a song I heard on the radio which went like:
Falling into a dark abyss
eyes, red as blood
skin, cold as snow
I feel your sharp needle teeth
sink into my veiny neck
pull you closer
to suck the life out of me
I can't believe I fell for you
spare me, let me leave
on the verge of death
kiss of death
such a heavy breath
looking into your red pools that are your eyes
from the black abyss
I feel you vampire kiss
the one in which I'll never miss
look into my soul
it's come quite cold
but my feelings for you are bold
you hurt me
I know you can see
verge of death
kiss of death
such a heavy breath
looking into your red pools that are your eyes
the more I want you
the more my heart breaks
the choose I have is to live or die
it hurts the more I try
you vampire use us all the same
are we just a pawn in your sick game
do you even care?
these thoughts are too much to bare
feelings mean nothing when said in words
but in the end...
my love for you became my death
verge of life
kiss of breath
such a steady breath
looking into the eyes of someone new
I ran through the park and into some woods. I ran till I could run no more which in the end was a bad idea, because now I'm lost and it was getting dark. Looking around to try and find something that looked familiar then maybe I could find my way back home. The sun seemed to be going down fast and as it did it made me unleased, because that's when Vampires come out to find their next meal, half of me wished that Alex would find me and the other wished that a Vampire would drain me dry.
I fell asleep against a tree but was waked by someone saying: "It's not safe for you to be sleeping in an open area especially at night human." When I heard the voice say human I just knew it was a vampire. "What if I want to be in harm's way?" I asked to be a smart ass. He sat beside me and looked at me. "Why would you want to when a human's life is so short?" He asked to see my reason. "And if that human loses everything they love and have nothing but the wish of death?" I said as I looked at him. I'm sure he could see the sadness in my eyes. I also could tell he kept looking at my neck. "Go ahead I don't care." I said with a calm voice. "Huh?" He said with a confused look on his face. "I can tell you're staring at my neck." I said as I leaned my head back. "Are you sure?" "Yup, I don't mind." He looked at me and smiled then leaned close to me and whispered in my ear "Thank you" before he bit into my neck I could feel the blood leave my body, and is cold lips against my neck, he was so genteel. Were all vampires like this when they bit? Maybe just the ones who offer their blood to them.
I could feel his fangs leave my veins, I looked forward to see his face. I could see him pretty clear because the moon was so bright tonight he had hair that went a little below his shoulders, it was straight and black. His eyes were almost a silver in the moon light.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Emilio." He answered
"Oh okay." I said as I looked away. I could tell he was staring at me.
"So what are you doing out here anyway?" He asked as he looked at me wanting an answer. I looked forward and rested my chin on my knees. "Well, you'll probable think I'm stupid, but I fell in love with a vampire named Vladimir, and I saw him with a woman vampire. They were pretty much all over each other." I said, I knew it would sound stupid. There was a long pause, in which I didn't like. "Vladimir eh?" Emilio said like he knew him or something all though he probable does. "Yeah." I replied. "Not to be mean or anything, but Vladimir I wouldn't get attach to, all he does is keep someone close so that he may feed, he tries to gain human trust, mainly girls, because they seem to fall for him more easy." He explained and as he did he had an expression that said I'm sorry, but who cares. "Oh...." I replayed as I got up to leave, but then Emilio grabbed my hand and looked at me as if he was lonely and needed a friend. "Don't go..." He said very saddened. I was cold and just wanted to go home to get warm. "Come with me?" I asked with a smile, if he came it would make me feel better about facing Vladimir. Emilio looked at me and replied; "Okay." I started to walk with him still holding my wrist I was glad he came although Alex and Vladimir would not like her bring another vampire home, but oh well I'm done with them.
Emilio and I finally made it to my house. I opened the door to see Alex and Vladimir and also Alexandra at the top of the stairs. In the lighting of the house I was able to see Alexandra a lot better than in the moon light. She had long black hair that went to her hips it was a lot like Emilio's, but longer. Alexander wore a long dress that puffed out a little with a corset as a the top the dress was all black which her black hair and dress went well with her pale skin and red lips and her eye shadow that was a chalk looking black. I walked up the stairs and past them I could see that Alexandra slip a little smirk which pissed me off. Emilio followed close behind he knew Alexandra didn't like me the way she looked at me. I walked down the hall to my room and Emilio shut the door behind me. I sat on the bed with my legs propping my arms up with my hands to my face I was crying. I'm so tired of all this vampire BS (Bull Shit). Emilio was standing there until I started sniffling and he walked over and took me into his arms and held me all I could do was just burry my face in his chest and cry I was so stressed out by all this first my heart was beginning to heal then it was broken again and to have the person who broke it in my home. "I'm sorry Lisa..." Emilio said to me as if he were crying too.
All of a sudden the door of my room opened and Alex walked in and grabbed Emilio by his shirt and slammed him into the wall his eyes were red as blood was he going to kill him? I asked myself all I knew was I had to stop him. I ran and grabbed Alex's arm just before he hit him I knew he was way stronger than I was, but I had to try. Alex looked back at me like he was ready to kill I looked at him with terror was he going to kill me too. I closed my eyes and held on to his arm tight as I could. "Lisa look out!" I heard a voice yell, I opened my eyes to see Alex was going to hit me he got me off him are then hit me hard enough to send me across the room and into the dresser. I could not move I just knew I had broken a rip or two and maybe some other things I could feel a stinging in my back all I could do was lay there. Why would Alex do that to me? I was laying on my stomach, I had to see what Alex was doing to Emilio or if he was coming after me. When I looked up I seen Alex and Emilio fighting they were so fast I could not tell who was winning. I wanted to try and see who won but the pain was trying to make my body sleep.
When I woke up I was in the hospital and Emilio was there asleep by my side in a chair in the room. I looked at the door and then at the ceiling some of the pain had went away, but I could still feel a pain in my back and a numbness for my ribs. I looked back at Emilio which seemed to be resting well. I kept watching him, wondering why Alex was trying to kill him, what did Emilio do to him, unless it was out of Envy....

my friend from hell: A secret vampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora