Chapter 4: Make me a vampire?

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I feel asleep in the corner of the secret room, when I woke up I was in Vladimir's arms with him holding me closer than ever. Looking up at him he was asleep, he seemed to be sleeping so peaceful. I haven't forgotten that my mother has passed on no matter how saddening it was. I got up and walked out of the secret room that was also in my room. I wanted to see outside for being in the dark room what seemed like forever I was hoping to see light, but what I seen behind the curtains was darkness for it was night time I changed in to my night gown to get in my bed, I thought it would be more comfortable than sleeping in a corner. Pulling the covers down someone was knocking at my door. "It's open." I said as I was getting into bed. "Honey are you okay?" My father asked me as he opened the door. "I'm fine dad just tired." I told him. "Okay, if you don't feel like going to school tomorrow you don't have to." He told me. "Nah, I don't want to get behind on my school work." I told him as I was about to fall asleep. "Good-Night." He said as he was shutting my bedroom door. "Night." I said as I was about in a deep sleep.
"Lisa?" My father asked as he peered into my room. "Yeah." I answered. "Do you still want to go to school?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered as I started to get out of bed I was still so tired. I peered out of the window after I moved the curtains aside so that I may see, the sun was out and it seemed like a normal day today, but one thing. I no longer have a mother; I looked down at the ground below thinking if maybe I jumped it would all be over. I wouldn't do that to my dad though I was the only one he has now. I shut the curtain and looked at the door my dad was not there anymore I walked over and turned on the light and started to go through the dresser where all my clothes were the dresser was next to the secret door but before I moved here it was in front of the door. I was digging through my clothes to find something to wear, but what did I want to wear? I went through the drawer where my shirts were and found a black shirt, it was a long sleeved shirt and the sleeves were like my arm was wearing a skirt and the main part of it was like a corset with pink lace around the top of it and the bottom and a lace string that laced up in the front and on the back was a black silk string letting me tighten it if I wanted and under that was like a stretchy fabric. Now for the pants. I opened the drawer for my pants and went through that and found a pair of pants that were black with pink lace going down the sides and around the pockets. I put on a bra and changed my underwear then put on the pants then the shirt I went and sat at my make-up stand which was beside the dresser. I started to brush my hair looking into the mirror. After brushing my hair I put on some eye liner and other eye make-up, I put on pink eye shadow then some black eye shadow on the outer corner of my eyes so that it matched my outfit. Picking up my shoes that had an insert in them that made them feel like high heels, the shoes were also pink just like the lace on my shirt and shirt and was sparkly, and had light blue shoe laces the colors were like cotton candy colors. I walked to my door and picked up my back-back which was purple and black checkers, I have always loved colorful colors. I opened the door and turned out the light then shut the door and ran down stairs. My dad didn't have to go into day he was going to take a few days off because of us losing mom, I can understand because he has known her longer than I have. I ran to the living room to where he was." Bye dad I'm off to school." I told him it felt weird between us I can't explain why, but it did. "Lisa?" He said as I was about to leave. "Yes dad?" I answered. He took a long pause before he said anything. "Would you like your mother's desktop? I'm sure you could use it for school." "Yeah I could, but are you sure?" "Yeah I'm sure honey and I'm sure that your mother would have wanted you to have it." My father said with a smile as he was unhooking the computer. "I'm going to move it in your room. Okay?" "Okay dad, I got to go before I'm late for school, love you." "Love you too my father said as I was rushing to the stairs and out the door so that I wasn't late for school. I started to run down my drive way and head to school which wasn't far the park was farther than that and I walked there. I was rushing, and out of breath when I got to school, but at least I made it. I walked in the school after catching my breath and I went upstairs to my class room and remember that my seat was behind Alex, just great. I walked to my seat and sat down and looked out the window just thinking mainly about my mom her funeral was three days from now I don't know if I will go though I don't want to see my mother be put into the ground. Thinking of this made tears come to my eyes maybe I should have stayed home.
"Ghost? I thought you have stayed home today." I heard a voice say, I looked up to see who it was and then started to look out the window again, it was Alex I thought he'd be mad at me for what happened in the park, but I guess he feels bad that I lost my mom that same night. "Are you okay?" Alex asked as he sat in his seat in front of me but was turned around to talk to me. I was trying to hide my face, because I was crying. I couldn't help that the tears just kept coming. "Ghost, look at me." Alex said as he reached to my face to get me to look at him. My bangs were over my right eye and my eyes were swollen from crying. Alex got up from his seat and knelled beside me he hugged me to try and make me feel better, but it just made me want to cry some more, because Alex was there holding me he helped me hid my face I didn't want to move I just wished I would disappear because when class started he would no longer be there.
Mrs. Bell, the teacher, walked in. "Alex, Ghost. Is everything alright?" She asked looking at us I did not move, but Alex motioned her to come over and so she did. "What's going on?" She asked as soon as she was by us. She leaned down so that Alex could whisper in her ear. "Her mother died last night." I could hear Alex say to her. "oh, well then Alex could you take her to the guidance office?" "Yeah, sure thing Mrs. Bell." Alex told her as he started to stand up and try and pull me up so that he could take me to the guidance office. "Alex, it is okay if you stay with her. I will count you as here, and Ghost, I'm sorry for what happened." Mrs. Bell said.
Alex had to help me walked to the guidance office because I was crying a lot and my eyes had tears and were swollen, so I couldn't really see. When my eyes were able to see again, we was nowhere near the guidance office. I looked around to see that we were outside in a corner behind the school.
"Why are here?" I asked Alex looking around.
"So we can talk..." Alex said looking at the ground.
"About what?"
"That guy you were with."
"What about him?"
Alex looked up at me and pushed me to the wall and had both his hands on the wall beside me so that I could not run, he stood in front of me and looked so angry, in that moment I was scared. Not know Alex very well it was hard to tell what he might do all I could do was close my eyes tight. All of a sudden Alex grabbed my wrist and slammed them on the wall pinning me. I was not able to move then he leaned against me. "STOP!" I yelled. Then Alex bit into my neck it felt just like when Vladimir bit into me, Was Alex a vampire? No, he couldn't be it was daytime. Alex looked at me. "I bet you're confused, but yes I am a vampire but a half vampire in other words I am also half human I got the human part that is able to be in the sun which I am grateful. Another thing Vladimir is my half-brother, I don't know why he stays in our old house still. All it does is bring back bad memories, from years ago." Alex said as he looked up. He was still pinning me to the wall, oh how I wished that Vladimir could come save me, but as always I was on my own with all this happening I forgot that my mother has pasted. My body was becoming tired of fighting to get free for Alex was so much stronger than me and on top of that Alex took a lot of blood from me I guess so that I was unable to fight back with all my power I was dizzy and ready to just pass out, so I did. When I passed out I feel forward into Alex's arms I'm sure he loved that, I was glad that he caught me so I don't hit my face on the ground.
When I woke I slowly opened my eyes, my vision was still blurry, but I could see I was in my bed and I could hear people yelling down stairs. I tried to get out of bed and ended up falling on the floor I stated to craw to the door and used the door to help me up I staggered into the hall if any other person seen me they would think I was drunk or something. The father I got down the hall the louder the voices got. I finally fell when I got to the top of the stairs, the people that were yelling was Alex and Vladimir.
"You bit her?" Vladimir yelled at Alex.
"Yeah and so did you, I must add so I'm not the only one who is guilty." Alex replied.
"True, but I didn't almost kill her, unlike you, I can control myself." Vladimir said.
"I'm not the one who is living with her." Alex said.
I could not stand to hear them fight, I tried to get on my feet to go down the stairs, but I ended up falling down them to where they were fighting. I got to the bottom and landed on my belly and stated to get up and as I was doing so I muttered under my breath, "Damn Stairs." I looked up to see that Alex and Vladimir was looking at me as if they had seen a ghost, but why would they be scared of a ghost? They were vampires. I stood up, and said to them, "I'm fine. Why are you fighting? Who cares if you bit me just let it go."
"Did I tell you Vladimir I also pinned her." Alex said with laughter as if he wanted to fight. At that moment I knew that Vladimir would attack him so as soon as he said that I ran to get in front of Alex to keep Vladimir from hitting him or something. I was getting dizzy again I felt as if I would pass out again. Vladimir was about to hit him but seen me protecting him, he stopped and as soon as he did I fell forward I still haven't recovered from when Alex bit me. Vladimir caught me this time and I could hear the door open then shut, I guess Alex left.
I awoke again, but this time Vladimir was sitting beside me, he seen I was awake and looked at me.
"How are you feeling?" He asked with a saddened voice.
"I'm fine." I answered as I tried to sit up, but Vladimir pushed back down.
"Lay down and rest you should move around so soon."
I looked up at Vladimir I could see the sadness in his eye.
"Don't beat yourself up for what happened." I told him all he did was look at me then laid his head on my chest to listen to my heart. "Vladimir? Can I ask you to do me a favor?" I ask him. "What is it?" He asked with a questioning voice. "Will you make me a vampire? So that I may be stronger, I don't want to be a weak human, and have to rely on you to protect me." I asked, I was scared to hear the answer I would get. Vladimir sat up and looked at me for a few moments. He got over me to where he could reach my ear and whispered, "I can but not now Lisa, you have school to finish then we'll talk." He answered. So he would as soon as I finish school, thank god this is my last year and I am almost done. Vladimir put his forehead to mine then kissed my lips. "Get some rest I shall see you tomorrow." Vladimir said as he went to the secret room where there was not light. I laid on my bed and went right to sleep thinking of what it would be like to be a vampire.

my friend from hell: A secret vampireWhere stories live. Discover now