Chapter 1: The Beginning

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My name is Lisa Ghost Rose, but everyone calls me Ghost. I am a 17 year old who lives with her parents in the middle of nowhere I must add. We moved here about 6 months ago but we were not the only ones who lived here in the house, the house was built in 1530's but the house was remodeled many times and that is how long it has lived here.

"Mom, Dad....I don't want to move" I told them. "Sorry honey your dad really needs this new job he has been offered, it will help a lot with some extra money coming in." My mother explained while we stood in the kitchen. I glared at my mom with anger; my mother sighed and said "maybe you can find some better friends that don't get you in trouble all the time." I looked at her with anger and went up to my room and fell on my bed face first and let out a scream into my pillow then sat at the side of my bed. "My mother is just so stupid sometimes." I mumbled under my breath. "Lisa?" My dad said as he opened my door slowly. "What?" I asked with a saddened voice. He walked in and sat next to me and put his arm around me. "Why are you so against moving?" He asked with a concerned voice. "I don't want to go to a new school and have to make new friends; it took me forever to make the ones I got." I said while looking at the floor. "Well, yes friends are hard to get sometimes, but be yourself and you'll find friends in no time." My dad said with a smile. I smiled back and gave him a hug. "When should we start packing?" I asked. "Soon as possible, but today just pack the stuff you that you don't really use and tomorrow we'll start packing the rest. Also there are some boxes down starts if you need any." My dad explained then walked out of the room. I looked around for the things I don't really need, like my comics and CD's. I got a box out of my closet and started to pack my books in one box and my art in another. I also got all my things that were in the top of my closet and put it in a box I knew I wouldn't need it because it was in the top of my closet of course. When I got done packing it was already 10'O clock. Before I was going to go to bed I went down starts to get me a snack, I fixed a cup of hot chocolate and some noodles. After that I went up to my room and went to bed.
The next day I woke to my dad knocking on my door telling me it's time to get up and finish packing. I told him okay, and stretched like I always do before I get up. I walked to my make-up stand and started to brush my mid-back long black hair, when I brush it, it always frizzes up, but whatever. I walk down stairs to get breakfast and then to help my parents pack. When I got done I looked out the window and seen the moving truck, it was quite big because we were going to be moving about a few hours from here so we wanted to save some trips. My dad wanted to move the furniture in first, so I helped him carry the couch to the truck and load it in. Next were the beds we took the mattress off the beds then the box springs, and loaded them in then took the frame apart and loaded them that took about 2 hours. Then there were the dressers, and the kitchen table and etc..... After that it was lunch time we went out to eat because we packed all the dishes up. When we got back we got back to work. "Lisa, go finish packing your stuff, me and your mother go the rest down here." My dad told me. I walked up stairs to my room and piled all the boxes that I had packed to the side to move them out of my way and finished packing. 30 minutes after packing I was finished. One by One I carried my boxes down stairs and loaded them in my mom's car she had the seats down so the car could hold more, My mom and dad put their things in the back of the truck, me and my dad were going to ride in the moving truck, we had my dad's car hooked to the back so that we were able to take us because we had no one to drive it and the truck. My parents went back in the house to see that we had everything and were not forgetting something. When we left it was 12' O clock AM and we had a 5 hour drive ahead, but my dad will make it 6 hours because he likes to stop at every store almost to get a drink or used the restroom. I was glad the truck had a cigarette lighter so I could charge my iPod so I don't go crazy with my dad talking about his life and when he was a boy crap. On the ride there I looked out the window it was darks so I only seen the shadows of the trees and I also see the moon which was almost full so it lit the sky up a bit. I always loved night time and I really loved it when the moon was full, it lit up the sky not too bright and not to dark but just enough to see. People always thought I was a freak because I always wore black lipstick and always had my nails black, and wore dark clothes. My parents always told me I'm not a freak I was just being me and there is nothing wrong with being different, people just fear what they don't understand. While I was lost in my thoughts I fell asleep.
I got woke up with my dad poking me saying that we were here, at our new home. I waited till my eyes adjusted because the sun was high enough in the sky for it to be pretty bright. When I looked up I seen the Victorian house that's was huge with may widows as far as I could see it looked almost like a small castle it seemed to have a tower which you could see in the front of the house. When my dad pulled in more closer to the house it seemed to be even bigger. When my dad stopped I jumped out of the truck fast as I could to get a better look at the house. "Are we really going to live here?" I asked with amazement as he walked up behind me. "Yup, the place I'm going to work for owns the house the house, they never could sell it so they're going to let us live here, and they also are going to pay all the bills for it." My dad said with a smile. "Why are they going to pay for everything?" I asked confused. I didn't know if they were going to take it out of my dad's pay or what. "They're pay for everything because it is on its own system, like the lights, electric, and it has a well for its water the company owns all the things that it is on so they are just doing it for free, they get money from millions of people so one house won't hurt." Well that kind of made sense to me all I know is we get a free place, but there must be a good reason why. Is the house haunted? Cursed? Whatever it is, it's not good.
My dad opened the back of the truck and went inside the house to see where he wanted to put everything and my mom followed. Before I went in with them I took a good look at the outside of the house and all the windows, but one caught my eye I squinted my eyes to see why and when they focused I seen someone standing the window I didn't get a good view but I seen their figure. I looked at the front door then the window again to see that they were gone. I ran into the house, I didn't dare tell my parents what I seen because they would just say it was a new place and it takes some time to get used to. When I walked in I seen some stairs one on the left side and one on the right but between them straight ahead of me was a painting of a boy who looked about my age. I walked closer to the painting to get a better look the boy had black hair that went to his shoulders it looked brushed out and really healthy he had his bangs almost covering one eye and he wore the clothes that they wore in the 1800's. "Lisa?!" I heard my parents yell. "Yeah!" I answered. My parents then peered over me from the top of the steep and said, "Go find you the room you want, we decided to let you have first pick, since after all we made you move here with us." I nodded my head to let them know I heard them. After they went on their way with whatever they're doing I started for the right side of the stairs and went up them slowly getting a good look at the house. I looked at the steps and seen red carpet it wasn't real red it had an old tint to the color. When I got to the top of the stairs there was three ways I could go either go to the right, the left or the straightway that was between the other two ways. I ended up going left because I wanted to see the up in the tower that I seen from the outside before. I kept walking till I got to the end of the hall and didn't see any door or stairs that may lead to the tower so I gave up for now and decided to look for it later. I looked in each room till I seen one I liked it was the 1st door from the end of the hall and it was also the one that I saw the person standing in the window. The curtains where black and the bed was hanging from the roof of the room by chains in the left corner and as I looked around I also seen a dresser with a stool to sit in front of the mirror that was on top. So amazed by the room I walked in and looked around more then on the right wall I seen a little door in the wall that was maybe a secret room or passage. I my iPod and 3DS on the bed and went over to the little door, the door didn't have a door knob, but it had a little rope I could pull to open the door. When I pulled on rope the door didn't open, but when I used my body weight it came open and a bunch of dust went into my face, which made me cough. I waved my hand in front of my face to get the dust out of my face so that I could breathe. When the dust cleared I looked into the door and seen another room. I crawled through the little door. Then I stood up the light from the sun coming through the window lit up the room. When I looked around some more I saw a table and a couch that was covered with a white sheet. The floor was a red carpet just like the stairs; it also had the old look to it.
"Lisa?!" I heard one of my parents yelling. I walked toward the little door to get to the other room, when I got through I shut the door back and ran out the door. "Here!" I yelled back. My mom was at the top of the stairs, she started to walk to me. "Have you found the room you want honey?" she asked so sweetly. "Yeah, the last one on this hall." I told her with a smile." Then we both walked to the room that I wanted, she seen the bed and said "are you sure about the bed? This house is really old I don't know if it will hold." I walked over and jumped onto the bed, and it didn't fall or even showed any sign of falling. When I sat up I gave my mom a look, the look that said see its safe. "Okay, but what about your old bed? Do you still want it in here this is a pretty big room so I think it will fit." I looked at her and nodded, I was thinking about putting it in the other room, somehow they got the other things in so why not my bed. "Well come help unload the stuff then you can get settled in." My mom said with a smile. As she walked away, I felt as if someone was watching, I looked around my room to find that no one was there. Walking out of the room I turned out the light and shut the door then ran after my mom. Outside they were unloading the rest of the stuff in the truck, running over to help I seen the same boy out of the corner of my eye, he was standing in the same place as when we pulled up. As I stared my mother asked me what I was looking at. I looked at her and told her nothing. When I looked back up he was gone.
After we finished unloading the truck it was time for dinner, we had to do take out because we have not unpacked the food and it would be easier to just get take out we were all tired anyway. My family and I all got in my mother's car, but of course my mother was going to drive for two reasons, one it was her car and two my dad could not drive at all. After we were halfway there I just noticed that I forgot my iPod I must have been lost in thought about the boy in the window that I have seen twice in one day. I wonder who he is. Why is he there? Where did he come from? All these questions going unanswered all this wondering that is building up in me. I want to find him and ask him all these things; maybe even make a new friend would be nice.
I was so lost in thought that did not notice that we were at the restaurant, I looked up and we were at a new place that I never heard before it was called "Happy's". "Uhh...Mom what is this place?" I asked kind of scared. "I don't know ask your father he's the one who wanted to come to the place." My mom said. "Dad?" I asked wanting an answer of why here. My dad ignored me and my Father walked in and as he walked in he asked if we're coming. We followed after him. When we walked in the place was big and of course it was a restaurant with an arcade..... Figures, he just wanted to play games. Happy's had almost every arcade game it seemed. We ordered our food, my dad and I got a cheese burger and my mom got rib with a side of salad. We went to sit and eat, my dad got the seat were he could see all the games they had, and he eyed them as he ate. To me it seemed he could not wait to play them, because he was eating faster than normal. After we got done eating we went to see my dad play whatever he was playing, he finished eating way before us.
Well after hours of waiting my dad finally used up the last bit of his money. We went to the car and was headed home as always I had my eyes out the window lost in thought, thinking of anything that came to mind and the only thing that came to mind was the boy in the window. In that moment I decided to find out who he/she is tonight as soon as I get home. Soon we pulled up to the house and I ran and jumped out of the car to get inside and find this person.
Hours passed and still no luck I've looked everywhere and still did not find anything. "Lisa!" I heard a voice yell. "Yeah?" "Time for bed, don't want you to get your days and nights all messed up." My mom yelled. "Okay mom." I answered as I headed back to my room. I still have not had any luck with finding him/her; maybe they will show themselves sooner or later. When I walked in my room I got out my PJ's and started to change into them, then thought what if that person is watching me right now....? After having that thought I hurried and changed and got into my bed that was amazing and cool hanging from the roof by chains. I stared at the roof of my room with my hands behind my head, thinking...thinking if this mystery person will ever appear. I rolled over and had my hands under the check of my face and closed my eyes thinking....maybe one day as I drifted off into a deep sleep.
Soon after I felt something or maybe even someone on my neck, a sharp pinch. When I opened my eyes I seen a shadow of someone, I couldn't move because they had me pinned down all I could do is lay there. When they lifted their head their hair feel into my face I shut my eyes tight and looked away. They stayed there then they put their head by my head where their mouth was by my ear and then they whispered, "It is okay, you were looking for me right?" As he said that I opened my eyes and looked up and as I did I was face to face to him, the first thing I seen was his light blue eyes that seemed so sad. As I loosened up so did he and unpinned me and sat by the bed looking down with his hair to his shoulders but in his face. I sat up in bed and he said "why were you looking for me?" "I saw you standing in the window and I wanted to see who it was." "Well you found me, now what?" he said as he started to look at me. "I don't know." I answered as I looked away. It was quite for a while. All of a sudden I felt his cold hand on my face moving it to face him, next thing I know he is kissing me. In shock with my eyes open I didn't move he moved away, but I could still feel his cold lips against mine. I ran my fingers across my bottom lip and looked up at him and asked "what are you?" "A Vampire..."

my friend from hell: A secret vampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora