Chapter 2: Love at first sight

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"You're joking with me right?" I asked him, not believing what he was telling me. "No....sadly I'm not joking." He said within his saddened voice. In my head I was thinking about saying Bite Me, but that would kind of weird. "Prove it..." I said nearly under my breath, not knowing if he had heard me, but kind of hoping he didn't. Slowly he looked up from the floor to look at me at that moment I knew he heard me and it made my heart fall to my stomach. He was staring at me with those saddened eyes. "I'm sorry." I said as I looked away not bearing the look in his eyes, it was as if he were a child that has lost everything and has nothing or anyone. "Don't be, I wouldn't believe it either if I heard the same thing." As he was saying this he was trying to smile, like the smile would hide his pain.
I laid back down on my bed I was still tired but I didn't want to go to bed not when he is here. I closed my eyes for a split-second and next thing I know he was face to face with me holding his weight up with his arms one on each side of me. "Uhhh, what are you doing?" I asked him. I knew I was blushing, I couldn't help it this is the closest a guy has ever been to me and also he was so cutie. With his black hair that went to his shoulders and a black tank-top, you could see his pale skin with the light of the moon shining in through the window. "I'm proving." He answered and after he did so he held my head so gentle turning it so that my neck was open. Slow his head went to my ear and whispered "I'm proving I'm a vampire like you asked." "Why?" I said with a frightened voice. He never answered, he went to my neck and opened his mouth and his fangs seemed to grow sharper and his eyes turned red as blood I prepared for him to bite me. Then all of a sudden I felt the sharp pinch that had woke me up before.
I started to get dizzy then he stopped. "Believe me now?" he asked while wiping the blood from his mouth. I could barely see but I managed to shake my head yes. "You should rest." He said as he stood up from the bed. Before he could go to wherever he was going I managed to grab his arm as I did so he looked back to see me shaking my head no, for I didn't want him to leave I don't know something about him made me want him around. "You're the first human that didn't want me to go." He said with a smile as he sat back on the bed. This smile was not sadness but happiness. He got closer and held me in his arms. "Why do you not want me to leave? Are you not afraid of me?" He asked as he was questioning himself rather than me. "Why would I be afraid of someone who kissed me? Also right now if you wanted to hurt me I'm sure you wouldn't be holding me so gentle. You and me are alike you know, we both are unsure of who we are, what our purpose is and most of all we both don't have anyone who share the same problems. That is why I don't want you to go, I feel safe with you." I felt as if I was about to cry, because I have never opened up like that, not even to my parents.
The room was quiet, so quiet I was about to fall asleep. "You're right and I can also sense the sadness within you. You're afraid but not of me." He was right I am afraid, not of him but myself I don't want to be foolish again and fall in love with someone just to be thrown away like an old toy. Just thinking about this is making me want to cry I thought I long forgot about it. I could feel the tears running down my face, which was bad I don't want to have to tell him what was wrong. I closed my eyes tighter then I felt him pull me closer to him and I was surprised he didn't ask what was wrong.
The next day I woke up laying on my pillow with the covers pulled over me. Was all that a dream, NO it can't be well maybe it was too good to me true. When I looked up I seen him, he was sitting in the chair asleep. He was so cute I got down to where I could see his face better. He looked so peaceful it seemed as if he hasn't slept in years. "What are you doing?" he asked still with his eyes shut. "Uhh..." I looked away so embarrassed, but he sure scared the hell out of me. "I was seeing if you were awake..." That was such a lie I knew he was asleep, even though he seemed not to be. I walked over to where all my clothes were, still all packed up, I dug through them trying to find something to wear, for today my mom takes me to get enrolled in school, which sucks I may add. After digging forever it seemed I managed to find a pair of my skinny jeans that were black with a picture of red roses going up the side stringed together by steam with thorns that wrapped around my left leg. I also found my favorite shirt which went with the pants but it was a red shirt with a black rose in the center with thorns coming out, kind of making it look like a sun. "Close your eyes." I explained. "Why does it matte it's not like I haven't seen a woman's body with the decades I've lived." He explained as he shut his eyes and laid his head back on head rest of the chair. Thinking of this made me think, when I die he will still live and he will most likely move on. I had my shirt off and I was just standing there in my bra thinking, but the thinking was making my heart hurt more. I noticed I was starting to tear up and next thing I know my eyes were like a water fall which keep pouring. Next thing I know he was there holding me close letting me hide my face in his chest to hide my face; how can I be so weak, while I'm sure he has had it much worse than me. He lifted my head and wiped my tears from my face and grabbed the shirt out of my hand and slipped it on because I was not able to move, maybe hoping he could not see me. He gently grabbed the sides of my head and leaned it down to kiss the top of my head I think it was his way in telling me it is okay. "Finish getting ready," He told me in the softest way but loud enough for me to hear. He walked to the bed and laid down, his body acted like he hasn't slept in a long while. "Can I ask you something?" "Hmm?" he answered while still laying on is stomach with his face almost smashed into a pillow. "What's your name?" I seen him open his eyes to glance at me, but still not moving his head from the pillow. "Vladimir Jasper Rose." He managed to answer, because he seemed he was about to fall asleep. I took off my pajama pants to put on my pants then put on my socks then shoes. Walking over to my make-up table and sat in the chair looking at the bed in the mirror, Vladimir wasn't there I looked behind me then he was, I guess he wasn't lying about being a vampire. I picked up my brush and started to brush my hair looking in the mirror just thinking of what may happen next.
"Lisa!" My mother called. "Are you ready?" "Coming!" I yelled as I started to stand and walk to the door I looked back at Vladimir, then turned out the light and shut the door. I walked down the hall and down the right stair way, where my mother was waiting for me. I grabbed my black jean jacket from the coat rack on the wall my parents set up that night and my bag that was sitting under it. I followed my mother to her car, but before I got in I looked at the window to where I first seen Vladimir, which was my new bedroom window, the curtains were closed and he was not there.
My mom drove me to school to get me enrolled, after that I had to start my new classes. "This is Lisa Ghost, and she will be going to school her for now on." My new teacher explained to the class. "Lisa, you can sit behind Alexander by the window, Alex will you please raise your hand?" I looked over to the right of the class to where the window was and also where Alex was with him hand raised and the other hand holding his face up, Alex seemed really bored and very cute with his black hair to the end of his neck and his bangs to the left side of his face covering his eye. I walked over and sat behind him I was so nervous, because when it came to cute guys I am very shy.
"My name is Mrs. Bell, nice to meet you Lisa." "I go by Ghost..." I managed to slip out and as I did so I seen that Alex glanced back at me and at that moment my eyes went to the floor. "Very well "Ghost" welcome to class." Mrs. Bell said as she started class. I wasn't listening at all to what she was saying I was looking out the window, wondering if Vladimir will still be there when I get back, I was half hoping he wasn't because he makes me nervous and then half I did want him to be there because he was the first friend I made here in Mare, Romania.
When school was over I grabbed all my stuff up and was about to run to the door "Ghost" I heard a voices call. I turned around to see that it was Alex, great of all people to call my name is the one I think is the cutest in the class. "Yeah?" I answered to him. "You're really cute." He managed to say he seemed he was a bit nervous. "So... Are you." I was so scared not in a bad way but in butterfly in stomach way. "Really?" He asked in a tone in which he seemed more assure of himself. "Of course." Alex walked to me and acted like he was giving me a hug but he had his hands on my mid back and kissed me. I was blushing so bad just like when Vladimir kissed me. "Be mine?" "We hardly know each other though." I said I was so nervous I could pass out. "Don't you believe in love at first sight?"

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