Is it Love, or is it Art?

Start from the beginning

"You hadn't even wanted to get out of bed, and now you want food?"

"You bribed me to get up." Louis reminded him with a smile.


"I'll see you later," Louis smiled, pecking Harry lightly on the cheek, his jacket swung loosely over his arm.

"You're coming back over tonight?" Harry asked hopefully. Louis just smiled, backing away and blowing a kiss as Harry shook his head, a fond grin playing on his pink lips as he leaned against the hood of his car, ready to head off to his own job - he was a radio show host.

"Love you!" Louis laughed, shouting at the top of his lungs before he turned the corner, not giving Harry a chance to respond. A moment later, he got a text, and fished his phone from his pocket.

From; Harold      Love you too .x

Louis smiled, slipping his phone back into his pocket and ducking down the back alley, turning corners, and slipping through buildings that would have left anyone else completely lost - but Louis knew where he was going. He'd been following this path ever Thursday, Friday and Saturday for nearly two years. He pulled his beanie tighter onto his head, slipping his jacket on as he got to the rougher area of London that he'd grown to call his home.

He slipped into the dodgy building and skipped up the stairs, knowing very well that the lift was broken. He stepped into his small, drabby flat and went to take a quick shower before dressing in sweats and a grey shirt, slipping black skinny jeans and a white scoop neck into his bag. He grabbed a red zip-up hoodie, slipping it on with his TOMS, and headed out the door. It was nearly four o'clock, and the club opened at seven.

He walked down the familiar streets, wet from the recent rain as he avoided puddles, jumping around like a little kid hoping not to get his shoes wet. He arrived at the club in twenty minutes, the sign that red '


' turned off as he let himself in.

"Hello?" He shouted out to the near empty room.

"In the back!" shouted a voice, and he followed it, dropping his bag onto the table and heading to the back where the rest of the dancers were all sitting. Danielle, the head dancer, was standing. "Finally." she smiled at him.

Louis went to take his seat on the floor next to one of the other dancers, Jade.

"You're late." she sang softly in his ear, so he flicked her arm. She laughed.

Louis looked around the small room he'd spent more than his fair share of hours in over the past years. He was currently one of the only two male dancers - the club was an '

all types

' club, as Zayn, the owner, liked to put it. It was open to all types of sexuality, straight, bi, gay, trans, any and all. The previous owner had made the same rule, but had ran a pretty shitty club, and Zayn had bought it from him in early 2011, when he'd turned eighteen.

He'd made all the dancers re-audition, and only thirteen had made it through. He'd kept a few males, and that was also on part because it was Louis who'd inspired Zayn - who was straight - to buy the club. Because he'd seen how talented Louis was, and how shitty the choreography was.

Louis had happened upon the club a few months before Zayn, when Louis himself was still eighteen, having moved to London to get away from his family and nothing life in Doncaster. He'd hoped to make it big on stage - he'd always been big on singing, acting, and, of course, dancing. He'd started dance lessons when he was seven and could barely take two steps without tripping over his own feet.

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