Words flew around in my mind, a myriad of questions over layering them.

" What was she like? When you knew her?" I asked cautiously. I knew that this subject was hard for him to discuss but a part of me needed to know, but I didn't know why.

He turned away, concealing the tiny ghost of a smile playing recklessly on his lips. " She was soft, but strong. She was dangerous and she had a volatile temper. But compared to how she is now, compared to the reputation she has now, she was tame. She was kind and funny and she cared about her family so so much. Especially As..." His voice broke off. " I can't talk about this, Boss. Please, don't ask me too."

My reply was cut off rudely by the sound of my phone ringing. I answered.

" Hello Brooke."


Mikey's taunting voice spoke up from the phone, my breathing hitched.

" Well Rodriguez are you not going to say hi to your big brother?"

A loud, hurt scream echoed down the phone and tears gleamed in my eyes.


" I swear to whoever the hell is up there Mikey, if you hurt him one more time then I'll kill you. I swear, I'll kill you all." I growled, my heart aching at being so far away from my baby brother.

He was hurt because of me.

" I don't think you're in the position to make demands Brooke." His mocking voice made me want to vomit. I clenched my eyes shut, attempting to get the haunting pictures of my tortured brother out of my head.

Grayson's rough voice observes. " Mikey, I'm sure you and Tyler aren't stupid enough to hurt him. We made an agreement, the shipment for Evan."

" Oh Grayson." Tyler's confident voice joined in. " Rebecca says hello." A feminine shout of distress awakened my mind as I saw my best friends eyes flood with pain.

" Now listen up Rodriguez. We're making a new deal."

I went to interrupt him but he shushed me.


" I heard that you've made a new accomplice. So here's what we're going to do. You can have Evan for Maya and Alexi."

I froze. How did they know? "That's two for one, it doesn't work." Grayson tried to reason but I knew that it was impossible.

Mikey wasn't known for his mercy.

" Why do you want Alexi? I understand why you want Maya but why Alexi?"

A dark laugh was my response before Tyler began to speak, amusement lacing his tone. "She killed one of our men. And I'm sure you know the familiar stories of The Vipers"

Grayson flinched back at the name and I held in a wince.

" I want to speak to my brother." I asked, begged, them.

I needed to hear his voice.

Even if it was just for a second.

" Brooke?" His voice was hoarse, like he hadn't had water in a long time. " Brooke, are you there?" He coughed loudly. I wanted to break down at hearing my brother sound so vulnerable.

" Evan, I'm here." My voice shook at every syllable. Gray squeezed my forearm reassuringly. A door slammed shut behind me but I didn't move.

" I'm fine. I can handle it Brooke. I'm strong, like you." He wheezed. " Don't trade me for the girls. I can deal with it. I'm okay. " He panted slightly. " Brooke they're planning an attack, they want Alex-" His desperate voice was cut off with a loud bang and a shout of pain. The harsh sound of fists was heard and a distinct sound of tutting became vivid.

I kneeled and curled into myself. " Don't hurt him. Don't hurt him. He's just a kid. Don't hurt him Mikey. Don't hurt him." I repeated in sobs. He was in this position because of me. This is all my fault.

Alexi was right.

He is my weakness.

A pair of comforting arms wrapped themselves around me and took the phone out of my hand.

Mikey spoke. " He will pay for that, Brooke. Don't you worry, I'll be seeing you soon."

" It'll be your mistake." Alexi's voice spoke dangerously and threateningly. " If you hurt him one more time then I won't be responsible for what I do to you."

They both chuckled before Mikey answered. "Well, well, well, Alexi Clarke. It's my pleasure. And what will you do, sweetheart?"

"I'm going to fucking ruin you. You're too busy thinking you're safe because you're protected by a fucking screen but wait until I find who you are and where you're from. I'm Alexi fucking Clarke, you ain't a fucking threat to me." She spoke so darkly that even I began to fear her, her kind arms kept themselves wrapped around me but shook in anger. " We'll see you soon. Until then, bitches. Until then."

She hung up and held me as I cried into her shoulder. I scolded myself at showing weakness but I wasn't in control.

They had my brother but all I could concentrate on was her arms wrapped around me, as though she was protecting me.

I caught what he said before they began to hurt him.

They want Alexi...


Another chapter up! I will be updating again soon.

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