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Mai P.O.V
I stared at the big fat guy sitting on the table in front of me. He had a gold necklace, gold watch and a gold tooth. Who was he? Well he's a crime boss and a fugitive. He escaped from jail many years ago and the police haven't been able to track him down ever since.

So here I was personally gathering intel. I was currently working as a bartender (one of my undercover jobs). The owner of this bar - 'L'Morte D'Arthur' - was a good friend of mine. He knew about my job so whenever something intriguing comes up, he tells me just incase its related to the job I was currently working on. I guess you could tell by the name of this bar, yes, this good friend of mine loves medieval tales hence the name 'L'Morte D'Arthur'.

I sighed. This big fat guy has changed his face since his escape but there was one thing that he never changed and that was his golden watch. It was a personalised golden watch with his intials engraved at the back of it and that was how I knew he was the guy I was looking for. Anyways I was cleaning some glasses when a man from his table came up to me to order a glass of bourbon. I poured him it and the crime boss came to sit next to this man.

They started talking and I pretended to mind my own business. I could hear their conversation loud and clear. The gist of their conversation was that they were going to have an exchange of goods tonight by the harbour. After the crime boss left with his men, I finished up cleaning the glasses and went to the staff room to call my handler. I told him all that I knew. The rest was upto the police.

I returned behind the stand and endeavoured to finish my shift for the day. Yes, you could say that in return for the heads up, the bar owner only asked that I help him with the bar until night. There were many people that want to work as a bartender, but I was not one of them. I don't like being around alcohol and drunk people. Picking fights, annoying women - too much to handle.
L'Morte D'Arthur attracted young people, but occasionaly the old would visit. The bar has good music, drinks and I guess it was a good place to relax and socialize. Not many incidents took place here. Props to my good friend for establing such a peaceful bar. I still hate bartending it though.

It was noon and a lot of people began to come in because they finished work. I poured drinks after drinks. It was going so routinely until another bartender asked me to deliver a tray of drinks to one of the private rooms (located upstairs of the bar). I did as I was told. As soon as I walked in, I noticed a young man probably in his late 20s talking to another man in his late 40s. I placed the drinks down on the table and turned to leave, when a voice called out to me.

"Young lady, you look so pretty today. Would give me some of your time?" It was the man in his 40s. He reached out to grab my arm when the young man stopped it. "What gives?"

"Boss I think you drank too much. Let's go."

I looked at this 'man' he called boss and yes, he was clearly 'out of this world'. 

"Sorry young miss. Please put the drinks on our tab." The young man sincerely apologised to me and left the room with his drunken boss. I placed the drinks back onto the tray and went back behind the bar stand.

Just as I was wondering what to do with the drinks, the same young man came up to me and said, "May I please grab one of the drinks? Turns out I need one."

I didn't see the boss with him so I figured he must have sent someone to send him home or he might be in the bathroom puking all the contents out. I gave him his drink and he went back to his private room. 

The day slowly turned to night and my shift finished. A lot more people were coming in now, but they were none of my concern. I went to the staff room to get changed out of my bartender clothes. As I was about to leave the bar, I noticed a black umbrella in the umbrella bucket by the door. I don't know why it caught my eyes. Maybe because it wasn't raining today or maybe it's because it was the only umbrella in the bucket. Maybe a customer left it when it was raining. 

Anyways I walked out of the door and proceeded to the train station. I was just a few meters away from the door, when a man wearing a black coat and a black cap walked in. If I knew who that man was, I would probably thank the heavens that I wasn't at the bar when he came in.
I got into the train and sat comfortably in my seat. I wondered how the exchange went. Did the police finally catch the crime boss? Or did he run away? Will I be asked to find intel about him again? Please don't. I begged of you to quickly lock him up behind bars. Criminals need to be catch no matter what the reasons are, especially him

I fell asleep on the train and when I woke up, I saw my bedroom ceiling. Wait...what? Yes, that was exactly my reaction. How did I end up from the train back to my flat if I was sleeping? I checked my clothes just incase I was robbed. I found a piece of note in the pocket of my coat. Since my room was dark, I turned on my reading light and placed the note under it. I was confused as to what the note meant. It said, "Strike 1".  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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