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Mai P.O.V
"Here you go." I handed over a brown paper bag to a man in mid-twenties. I was currently sitting opposite to him in a cafe called 'The Blue Mist". He looked inside of the bag and then gave a satisfying smile.

"I can't believe you got it so quick." Richard was the man's name. He was a 27 year-old police detective and he was my handler. My name was Mai (my real name was Maya), I was 18 years old and half Japanese and half Australian. I worked as an informant for the police. Was it a hard job? Depends on what they ask me to do. They always give me hard tasks, but that's a given. If it was easy, they wouldn't need an informant at all, right? 

As for why I was working for the police and why I was using the name Mai, that's another story for later. To keep things short, I was under the witness protection program. I didn't change living places a lot. Ever since I entered the program, I only need to change places three times (this is my third move). Well, I guess that's enough introduction for one day. 

"I am one of your best informants after all." I replied while drinking my soothing chocolate shake which he kindly bought for me.

"Hahaha, that is true. I'm always amazed at how quickly you accomplish my tasks. You should become a detective yourself."

"No thanks." I was happy at my job right now. Being an informant has its dangerous aspect, but it has an addicting thrill that draws me in all the time. You could say I was not afraid of death. I finished the last sip of the shake and stood up from chair. "If there's nothing else, I've gotta go."

"You just got here. Surely you can stay for a few more minutes and have a chat with me." 

"I need to visit someone." 

"Alright. As always the cash has been deposited to your account. I'll call you if there's a job." Richard bid me farewell and I left the cafe. 

There were many positives for being an informant. One was that I get a decent pay each job I do. The pay I get was more than enough to fulfil my needs and wants. I was not the kind of person that saves up money if there was nothing I was looking forward in buying, so most of the time, I sent money to orphanages or charities. 

I was sitting at the bus station, when my phone rang. I had two phones in my pocket. One was a cellphone which was for work only and the other was a Samsung mobile phone which was personal. The one that rang was my personal phone. 


Where are you?

"I'm going there right now. Waiting for the bus at the moment."

I can't wait any longer. I'll pick you up, so tell me where you are.

This stubborn girl. "I'm at the bus station in front of The Blue Mist."

Alrighty! I'm near you. Don't go anywhere.

Don't worry. I won't dare to move from my spot. That girl on the other end was one of my many sources that I get intel from. Sometimes I get it myself, but the quickest way was to get it through connections (sources). I knew her by the name Celia. I didn't know if it was her real name or not, but I got the brown paper bag from her. What was in it you might ask? Well it was a sachet of marijuana that a certain gang has been selling to young people in a certain area. Richard asked me if I could get hold of one of the sachets so they could proved the gang guilty in court.

My sources want payment in different forms. For Celia, it was a sleepover night at my place, as I don't usually allow my friends to sleep over. You could say that to her, I was her best friend. Celia's boyfriend's family was a yakuza, but they're trying to make their family business clean. She was a nice blonde and could pull off as a supermodel. 

Beep beep went her car. "Hey Mai!"

"Yo!" I sat on the seat beside her and the car began to drive away from the bus station. We arrived at my place, which was an average apartment. I had two rooms (one guest and one mine), a clean kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and a balcony. I didn't like living in large places, but my apartment was not that big and not that small. I liked it. 

Just in case I had to move again, I didn't carry much stuff with me. Most of my things like the bed or the tv were supplied by my handler. He was like an older brother, wait let me rephrase that, he was more like a father. 

The next few hours flew by like a breeze. Celia fell asleep on my bed and I was next to her listening to the radio. Just then, a disturbing news report came up.

'This is his third murder. The infamous serial killer - X- has left yet another corpse with 6 bullets through the heart. The police believes that this is his signature and they also predict that there will be more corpses unless they catch him. So far, the police has nothing on the killer and have found no connection between the victims, yet. Because of this, the FBI is also joining in the investigation.'

I turned off the radio and went out to the balcony. The moon was shining bright, but there were only a few stars. I folded my arms against the railing while thinking about a certain person. That certain person was the killer. And how did I know that? I just did. I wouldn't say I was close to him.

He was a man I met at my previous allocation. I saved him from comitting suicide and that was how we met. He was a grown man in his young 20s and he was quite a handsome one as well. I didn't know much about him, so when he confessed to me, I thought it was a joke. But over time, I began to realize that his feelings for me were real. I couldn't have that. There were people in my past that were hunting me down and if I were to reciprocate his feelings, it would be hard for me to move away if it was time to move.

When I told him that I had to move away (I didn't tell him the reason why), he threatened me to stay by his side. He was going to kill himself in front of me if I didn't comply, so I lied. That was the last time we talked because the next day, I left.

When I first saw the killings on the news, I recognized the victims. They were part of the organization that was hunting me down. When they revealed his key signature, I knew who it was. I didn't know how, but I just got this feeling that it was him. It was like he was talking to me through his crimes. 

I didn't know how he knew about the organisation. I never told him anything about my past. This gave me the creeps. He was catching up to me bit by bit, but I was determined not to let my location be found out. I sighed. This man was crazy. He was killing people just to find me. I shivered at the thought that he might actually kill me too if he finds me. 

"Kai," That was his name. "just what kind of man are you?  

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