As I got home from work today I went straight to my bedroom.  All week I had been doing some research and everything I had found had said that I was definitely feeling something more than friendship for Louis.  I read hundreds of stories about gay couples and how they knew they were gay.  I watched videos too, and everything kept pointing back to crushing on Louis.  

I slipped my shoes off, collapsed on my bed, and let out a huge sigh.  I was kind of glad that over the last week I had sort of just come to terms with my feelings.  All I knew now was that I really missed Louis, but didn’t know who I was going to act around him now that I knew how I really felt.  What kept me from sending texts to meet up was the thought of him not feeling the same way.

What if I couldn’t help myself and did something to scare him off?  I mean it isn’t that hard to imagine kissing him, and trust me I wanted too.  What if I leaned in without thinking?  What then?!  For all I knew he just thought of me a good friend, or worse just a new mate that he could toss off if he wanted too.  I mean he is dating that chick Hannah right?  The is no way he would be into me while still dating her anyways.  He was off limits, Harry now move on!  Gosh, I can be so thick sometimes.

Gemma never brought up the conversation again thankfully but she still eyes me with worry when I come in each day a bit less cheerful that normal.  I feel bad leaving her in the dark, but I just need time.  Plus, I still had to figure out what I would even tell her.  This was all turning into a big mess.

I was about to take a nap when I heard my phone buzz.  My hands launched forward fumbling trying to get my phone out of my pocket.  After a few frantic seconds I quickly typed in the passcode, my heart fluttering nervously.  I took a second to breathe, when i saw Louis’s name printed there with a new text message.  Harry, calm down!  Its just a text.  Its not like he is calling to tell you he knows about how you feel and he doesn’t want to be mates anymore.  I took a deep breath and opened the message fearing for the worst.

Fri, July 27th 4:47 p.m.

Hi, Harry!  It’s been awhile since we talked.  Sorry again about rushing out the other day. :/  I’d like to make it up to you though by seeing if you wouldn’t mind hanging out again tomorrow?  Let me know what you're thinking, thanks. :)


My heart fluttered with happiness.  He doesn’t know! He doesn’t hate me, and were still good!  I let out the most inhuman noise and started giggling as I typed a reply.

Hello, Lou!  Don’t even worry about the other day its not that big a deal.  When a girlfriend misses you I guess you gotta run, right? :P  Also yeah tomorrow yeah I am free. :) When and where?  I’ll be there. ;)

Before I clicked send though I reread it like 10 times to be sure it sounded okay, and eventually hit send with my thumb.  I awaited an answer for what felt like hours, but in reality was only 5 minutes.  Come on, come on, come on!  Finally, it buzzed in my hands, and I clicked view.

Fri, July 27th 4:55 p.m.

Great! :D I say meet by the bakery at 5:30?  Hope that isn’t too late?

I opened a new message and typed a quick reply.

Three Crazy Weeks With You ➳ Larry Stylinson ✓Where stories live. Discover now