Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter VII)

Depuis le début

At the gate, the clinking of coins sounded as the guard was paid to walk away.  Grinning with satisfaction, the barbarians turned the wheel that opened the gates to the keep.  Grinding and groaning filled the air as they revealed the horde of savages waiting on the other side.  Deafening battle cries overwhelmed the area as armed men poured into the city wreaking havoc.

The wails of women resonated off the stone walls as invading forces slaughtered them and the infants in their arms.  People scrambled in every direction as they fled.  Savagely hunted by the invading force, their lifeless corpses filled the streets as blood pooled around them.

 Nylana rushed to the window when she heard the screams.  She flung open the glass watching in horror as a black mass of barbarian forces entered the city cutting down any in their path.  She surveyed the fires that now consumed the Keep of Edrei.  Ears aching from all of the shrieks, Nylana turned away.

Galdin appeared beside her.  He looked out at the keep assessing the situation.  Marking where all of the fires burned, Galdin estimated how much time they had before the flames spread.  People below him fled for their lives.  He noted the open gates and the empty guard tower that stood nearby.

"Narúl," said Galdin.  "See that tower with the catapults by it?"

Narúl nodded.

"Take a garrison with you.  Use the catapults to bring the tower down.  Make certain that it closes off the open gate."

Narúl saluted.  He whistled at a garrison of men who raced toward the courtroom chamber to protect Lord Stefon.  Without argument, they followed the man to the lower level of the keep.

"Lord Stefon," said Galdin. "It appears that war has come to you."

Lord Stefon raced to the window watching in horror as his home was destroyed by savages.

"You know this keep far better than anyone here," said Galdin.  "Bring all you can to the upper levels of the keep.  Take Nylana with you."  He pulled Lord Stefon closer so he could whisper in his ear.  "Keep her safe."

"You have my word," replied Lord Stefon.

"Now wait—" began Nylana.

"You stay with him," Galdin ordered; his tone commanded obedience.  "And take Tami with you."

Relenting, Nylana followed after Lord Stefon with Tami close behind.

"Ryk," said Galdin, "You are with me."

Galdin raced out of the chamber finding cowering soldiers trying to escape the chaos. 

"Cowards!" roared Galdin, "Why do you huddle together like children when your bravery is required elsewhere?  All of you with me or let it be known that Hemíl fell because her soldiers had turned into withering old women."

Slowly, the soldiers rose to their feet.  Galdin glared at each of them before heading out to face his enemy.  The chastised soldiers trailed behind.  They stormed the edges of the second level. 

"Block this entrance," ordered Galdin.  "Do not let them pass."

Men barricaded the entrance to the second level of the keep.  They piled bits of boulders and broken sides of building as people rushed past.

Narúl slid down the rails of the stairwell hastening to the area Galdin had directed.  A burly man stepped in front of him.  Ducking back to dodge the blow to his head, Narúl lurched forward, straightened, and twisted around while plunging his blade into the man.  He shouldered another barbarian that headed for him forcing him over the side of the stairwell.

Legends Lost: GaldinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant