Chapter 17: Mystery Meat and Sleeping Troubles

Start from the beginning

"We should get going." Jazz said as she pushed open her door. Danny nodded and did the same as they both stepped out of the car. The bright haired teen locked the car and the two siblings made their way towards the school's front doors. As they reached the front steps, Jazz gave Danny a quick hug. "Have a great day." She whispered to him before running up the steps into the school. Danny sighed, glancing at his hands and hoping that he wouldn't have any mishaps with his powers today. But he already knew that it wasn't going to happen. He just didn't have that kind of luck. Sam and Tucker emerged from the school, spotting their friend standing on the steps. 

They noticed that he seemed upset and rushed to his side, ushering him into the building. They tried to ask him what was wrong, but he just brushed off their questions. He didn't feel like figuring anything out today. The teen just wanted a nice, normal day back at school. Danny inwardly chuckled, knowing that probably just jinxed himself. The three friends made it through their first few periods of classes, but Danny had yet to get out of his bad mood. The group of friends made their way up a flight of stairs, and Danny was lamenting to his friends about telling his adoptive parents the truth. "I don't know, maybe I should tell them." The teen stated.

Sam and Tucker followed him up the stairs, with Sam giving a response. "Why? Parents don't listen. Even worse they don't understand." The group of friends paused on the next level and Sam shouted, "Why can't they accept me for who I am?!" 

Tucker and Danny looked at their friend with mild looks of confusion on their faces. "Sam, I'm talking about my powers. My problems."

Sam blinked at her friend. "Oh right, m-me too." She said, averting her gaze from Danny. The three friends continued to make their way up the rest of the stairs and onto the next floor.

Danny sighed. "It's been a month since the accident and I still have barely any control." The teen crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. "If anyone catches me I go from geek to freak around here." As Danny said this, he began to sink through the floor. 

Sam and Tucker's eyes followed him downwards. "Kinda like what you're doing now?" Danny looked down and saw that his waist was currently passing through the floor. He let out a small shriek of fear and his two friends quickly latched onto his arms. They pulled him out of the floor and set him back on the ground once his legs had regained their solid form.

"Ah, darn it." Danny grumbled walking off with his friends close behind. "If my dad can invent something that accidentally made me half ghost, why can't he invent something that turns me back to normal?" Danny clenched his hand into a fist and his body became intangible. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked right through a vending machine. The teen hadn't even realized what he had just done.

Sam rushed to catch up to her friend, stepping in front of him. "Danny, your powers make you unique. Unique is good!" Putting on a rare smile, Sam continued as she saw Danny's mood go unchanged. "That's why I'm an ultra-recylo-vegtarian." She said proudly, placing her hands on her hips.

Tucker joined his two friends, confusion on his face. "Which means what?" He asked.

"She doesn't eat anything with a face on it." Danny answered. Sam was definitely unique all right. Add this onto her gothic appearance and life style, paired with her family actually being really rich, Samantha Mason was certainly a great mystery to all those who didn't know her personally.

"Eh, who cares about that stuff." Tucker said dismissively, "Danny, two words. Meat. Connoisseur. " The teen pointed at himself proudly, then proceeded to sniff Danny. "Last night, you had Sloppy Joes." Danny's geeky friend stated confidently.

Danny smiled. "Impressive."

"Meat heightens the senses, and my all-meat streak is fourteen years strong." Tucker said proudly.

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