Self Love

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     My philosophy is this: I will always love myself before I love anybody else. Why? You shouldn't rely on somebody else for love, happiness, and clear-mindedness. Half of the people I talk to always complain about being lonely or having the most horrible life ever. However, they do not love themselves. Everybody is so talented in my eyes. They have a certain talent that almost nobody else has. Perhaps they can sing, or play an instrument very well. They may know another language or are nice to people regardless of what they think. They are talented in so many ways, they are strong for making it this far without self love, and they are strong if they did learn to love themselves because it is, in fact, no easy feat. I see many people harming themselves, putting themselves down for human mistakes. I can't be a hypocrite, I still catch myself doing these things as well. But in order to even start appreciating yourself, you need to ask yourself "How would I react if another person made this mistake?" or "What would I say to a loved one about the situation if they were in it?". Whether you are optimistic, pessimistic, a realist, or whatever you describe yourself as, you will need self love to get through life. You need to be able to say "Hey, I made a mistake, but I will try my best to learn from it and not make it again." instead of hating yourself for it. There is a catch, though, as there is with everything: you have to be yourself. Too many people pretend to be somebody they aren't, afraid to show the world who they really are. But I ask you this: would you rather somebody love you for who you really are or for somebody who you pretend to be? Be yourself, show the world. Whoever cannot handle it, that's their problem. Out of the 7 billion people in the world, there is certainly at least one person you are compatible with. Would you rather more? We all would, but do you want a few people who know who you are and love you for it, or a hundred people who love who you pretend to be? These are the questions that shape today's outlook on other people. As humans, we get scared of different. We look at it as weird or in some cases, beautiful. Look for the people who find it beautiful and close out the people who find it weird.

I am going to start trying to publish once a day from now on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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