"Hey Ally, wait up!" 

I wanted to groan but I held it in. Lily was still a gang member therefore she did terrify the hell out of me but I wasn't going to let that show.

"The guys and I are going for a pizza, we were wondering if you wanted to join."

I gave her the friendliest smile I could muster. I felt eyes on my and looked to see Chris staring at us. I knew he could hear our conversation.

"I'm going to have to pass."

The smile on her face faded and was soon replaced with an angry expression that looked foreign but deadly.

"For goodness sake! Is this about the whole gang member thing again?"

Her cold voice surprised me, it got the attention of everyone else around me.

"When are you going to accept the fact that you're a gang member now. You work for us! I should be ordering you to do this! You've been helping us kill people for three months, get it into your head the only way out of this is death so you're going to have to suck it up or die."

I'd rather die.

She remained angry while I gave her a meek shrug.

"I just don't want to go out."

She threw her hands up and tossed me a sarcastic smile.

"Of course. Ally The Great is too worthy and precious to spend time with us. I'm pretty sure you were freaking out about killing somebody the other day." 

My hands shot to my ears, a desperate attempt to block out her voice and the nightmares that came with it. 

"Don't." I said in warning.

"Ally, I think you need to hear this."

I turned in shock to glare at Chris.

He's defending her?

"You have got so much potential. Harvey and Tate have thrown you under the bus, but pretending you're royalty isn't going to get you anywhere. You need to learn to live without Chelsea and stop depending on her."

"I don't depend on her! She's the only sane person in this house!"

Emo girl and the other two boys stayed silent.

"You know that's not true Ally. There are so many people out there for you to befriend, you don't have to constantly cower away in fear, they can help yo-" Chris began.

"Help me what, be like you? You want me to be like you? You want me to kill for fun and then blame it on being forced to do it. You're not forced to do anything, there's always another way out. I think I've been too friendly with you all, leading you on to think I actually want to be friends with you. I don't. You're murders, all of you."

Lily laughed, a loud annoying laugh that made my blood boil.

"Funny thing is Ally...so are you." 

I turned on my heel and marched towards the house, stomping my feet purposefully.

When I got into my room I felt the heat inside of me. I felt the burning hot anger that I had only ever felt when I was in the gymnasium, punching the lights out that girl. I stood up and grabbed the door handle, flinging the door open and running outside to the gymnasium.

Very few people lingered around the actual gym section, I made my way to the empty hall and grabbed some boxing gloves. 

I began to punch it. I felt like I was in some kind of weird movie where this was my coping strategy. It wasn't working.

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